Ethical Counseling Paper

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Ethical counseling paper

Ethical Dilemma


Teenage Counseling at School

Teen age counseling at school in a program for emotionally and behaviorally challenged youth plays a very important role in the development and learning of the students. Students at this age face a lot of emotional and ethical problems because they are at that stage of their life where they go through many psychological phases and are on the urge of developing and contributing to their personality. Although according to Freud, people develop most of their personality when they are just children, teenage phase also has a great impact on their personality and its development, therefore it is very important that much care and attention is given to these kids at this stage and that their concerns are given special treatment and monitored as for their betterment and future development. This is where the part of a school counselor comes in. Even though most students avoid such counseling; it is a counselor's duty to identify problems and challenges faced by the students at the school and come up with solutions and treatments to help them face those challenges. These challenges range from issues that these students fact at their homes and in their class, with friends, teachers, other family members and relationships. Proper counseling can help these students in more than just one way and really improve their performance in every aspect of their life, which is the reason why teenage counseling services is a very important part of the overall services a school could provide to its students (Linzer, 1999).

A counselor's job as interesting and moral as it sounds sometimes has its own challenges associated with it. These challenges include dealing with some situations which can be really challenging for the counselor himself to deal with and include taking some decisions which can be ethically challenging for him. Counseling is one of those kinds of job which do not have a written instruction to it of how to deal with every situation, because when it comes to dealing with a human being, every situation is a new situation and it is the counselor's job to take appropriate decisions and to deal with it accordingly. And sometimes there are ethical dilemmas involved which make the job of the counselor even more complicated and questions the counselor's confidentiality and ability to be a good role model as it another part of the counselor's job to be role model to these students in order to gain their trust and confidence (Linzer, 1999) (Linzer, 1999).


Conflict Situation

One of my clients Max who is a 16 year old boy was struggling with a problem related to mood swings and depression and used to act out aggressively. He also has a long history of suspension and other disciplinary actions at the school. His father has a drinking problem and used to beat him ad an year ago I had to contact the child protection service to report the situation and Max was taken away to a foster ...
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