Essence Restaurant Human Resources Planning and Development
Essence Restaurant Human Resources Planning and Development
Human resource (HR) plays a critical function in achieving organizational excellence, for it is with and through people that organizations thrive, prosper and transform. Leaders and professionals within HR units have never been better positioned for strategic leadership within their organizations due to the growing awareness of the value of human capital (knowledge) as a competitive advantage. It is human and intellectual capital that leverages all other forms of intangible corporate assets. Today more than ever before, HR departments need to show value to their organizations by aligning their goals and activities with the strategic goals of the larger enterprise.
Our knowledge-based economy, ever-changing market, competitive threats, and consumer needs require the optimal leverage of human talent and potential. A successful company achieves client satisfaction, provides technically sound and good quality products and services, and maintains a supportive and rewarding working environment for its people. The key to accomplishing all three of these corporate objectives begins and ends with excellent human capital.
Essence Restaurant Human Resources Management Role
In today's business environment Human Resource (HR) responsibilities and roles are increasingly more extensive than that of the old personnel department use to have. Human resources now demand strong human relations skills such as communicating, negotiating and team development. In addition human resources also demand leadership skills to help them in the decision making process and technical skills to understand human resources computer systems. Human resources are well managed it has the potential to improve the organizations competitive advantage by helping achieve basic objectives such as quality, profits, and customer satisfaction. This paper will attempt to describe the changing role of Human Resource (HR) management in response to trends in globalization, technology, diversity, e-business, and ethics (Kaponya, 1991).
Over the past decade HRM has a new face and the HR function is quickly gaining leverage as they help organizations deal in change management, business strategy, and customer service, and brand recognition, employee retention, in order to gain and sustain a competitive advantage on the competition. Human capital, an organizations employees, is the only, “Real sustainable competitive advantage that an organization possesses. As such, HRM is called on to apply, “New approaches to work process design, succession planning, career development and inter-organizational mobility (Huselid, 1995).
Essence Restaurant Human Resource Practitioners
Human Resource Management has a significant role to play in ensuring that their organization and employees have some form of balance to adjust to above said changes.
Organizational recruitment and development, reveals that HR is valuable in facilitating the development of human talent from across both geographic and cultural boundaries. Roles of HR Essence Restaurant professionals in a global environment include recruiting high-quality employees, employee retention, and leadership development. The global marketplace and global economies are imperative to organizations who wish to expand market share and reduce operating costs. HR department roles include a profound understanding of and implementation of policies and procedures which will complement international labour laws, cultural ...