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Effectiveness in ESOL Provision under the Pressure of Resource Constraints and How It Affects Leadership


Effective educational leadership is the valve of success for each educational institution, and collaborative leadership is effective if it could create educational vision with the appropriate atmosphere to reach the highest level of achievement, with the ability to direct communication with all employees in the educational institution. The educational institution more effective when working as a team, both in the educational institution is working as a team, both in the educational institution is working enthusiastically to improve performance (always for the better). Comandante Be a role model in your enthusiasm to improve performance in the educational institution-led and will follow you with the same enthusiasm you are working with, not who speaks it. Management of the institution is committed to quality has caused frustration for all employees and fail initiatives and opportunities for improvement. English as a Second Language (ESL), also called English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), refers to English used by a person who had acquired at least one other language before learning English. The term is often used in educational settings and in reports that provide demographic information. There is an increasing ESL population in the world as a result of colonialism, immigration, and economic and technological advancements led by English-speaking people. Language and English language policy contribute to the formation of one's individual and group identities, although; the relation is complex (Zamel, 2002, 68).

The English language has the third-largest population of native speakers among the many languages of the world. In addition, if both native and nonnative speakers are considered, English is one of the most spoken languages in the world (along with Mandarin Chinese). English is widely spoken because it is the primary language of two main powers in the modern world history: the United Kingdom and the United States of America. Both countries receive immigrants who either already speak English or who need to learn ESL. Many former colonies of the United Kingdom elected to use English as a primary or an official language of their nation, despite not being the people's native tongue. In addition, due to the preeminent position of the United States in the 20th century, English is used worldwide as a common language in various fields, such as economy, science, technology, media, and politics. In this capacity, English has emerged as a leading international or global language (Spada, 1997, 73).

In the third context, English is taught as a foreign language (EFL). EFL curriculum and teaching approaches are different from those used in an ESL context. Understanding the target culture(s) is important in EFL learning, but acculturation is not a goal in this situation. Some ESL and EFL programs offer courses in English for Purposes (ESP), which provide instruction focusing on the needs of a group of learners; these courses include English for Academic Purposes, English for Business, English for Science and Technology, and English for Nursing (Rigg, 1989, ...
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