Ergonomics Workplace Modification

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Effect of ergonomic workplace modification in computer users suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome

Effect of ergonomic workplace modification in computer users suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome


Ergonomics is the science that studies the behavior and relationships of human beings in the workplace and practical objective pursued is to adapt working conditions to the physiological and psychological characteristics of human beings. The application of ergonomic principles can promote wellness, protect health and improve working conditions.

The work of the office staff is not potentially as dangerous as construction work. That fact, in the belief that the risk does not exist in offices, lays the danger for the intellectual worker. In the manual is not to teach anything but new. The aim of these is to highlight certain risk situations common in offices. Possibly know or at least intuit, but certainly we have never stopped to consider and prepare a strategy against them. Some situations may seem obvious, we agree. But in any case are evidence produced annually almost 40,000 accidents, of which almost 2,000 are serious and some fatal (AAOHN, 1992, 105-12). The noise affects the performance of work with specific effects and nonspecific, i.e. affecting hearing function and most body functions and behavior. The main control measure is the action on noise sources. The main risk of exposure to noise is the deadweight loss hearing.

To reduce the noise level, the first thing is to locate the source station and isolate it. If possible, try to prevent transmission by appropriate systems. When these means are not effective should be taken personal protection measures such as reducing the exposure time or use of personal protective equipment. Light Electromagnetic radiation is capable of being detected by the human eye. Inadequate distribution of light can lead to situations cause headaches, visual discomfort, errors, eyestrain, confusion, especially accidents and loss of vision. Workplaces must preferably be illuminated with light natural, and must be complemented with artificial light; this will be a general lighting, supplemented by localized light when required by task. If the office furniture is ergonomically it may lead to improper posture, which ultimately may lead to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a painful disorder of the wrist and hand. The carpal tunnel is a narrow tunnel formed by bones and other tissues of your wrist. This tunnel protects your median nerve. The median nerve gives you feeling in the thumb, index, middle and ring fingers. But when other tissues such as ligaments and tendons in the carpal tunnel become swollen or inflamed, they press the median nerve.


For getting information on the effectiveness of ergonomics in the people suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome I used Utica library. On Utica Library, I used medicine and health sciences link under Utica College library resources which linked me to variety of online resources. I chose PubMed and PMC on Utica. Overall I liked all the databases that I used but there some good points and bad points for each of ...