Envision My Own Country

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Envision my own country

Envision my own country

Michelle Guth land is a poor country with an average per capita of $2000 at market exchange rates. Its population of 40 million is 35% urban. Subjecting to the concern of government and recommendation of IMF and World Bank, it is essential to focus on the impact of economic globalization on other countries.


From the provincial council of new country we take up the gauntlet thrown and start a discussion, quiet, serene, without disqualification, on the proposal for political status of the community of just adopted by the new country government tripartite. And the first thing to do is convey to society new country, society and the true nature of what we are proposing. If the new country has the right "to be whatever we want to be," we begin to know what is being proposed to be. Without it, evil can "decide our future."

I think the issue is of sufficient importance to the citizens of the three provinces reflect on it, and open the debate claiming the new country serene. But that opens from here, at home. The new country, we know that what we are proposing is something quite new. I will not say whether good or bad, but new. Country is demanding more self-government, is posing a different self, which is not the same. Is trying to do something more than a "second transition" wants to reach a zero point and start building from scratch. His proposal does not violate the constitution simply ignored, overlooked. His proposal is destined to become a new creation of a new country. The big question is: does the initiative responds to a desire new country majority of new country society today? Furthermore, does indeed respond to the real will of the new country nationalists today? Does ...
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