Traditionally, the value of water is restricted to its productive value, agricultural, industrial or urban consumption in general. Water has been a useful only for certain functions, which when used, could be washed into the basin of origin regardless of other added values, mainly environmental and social. Today this vision of the value of this important natural resource is invalid and should consider these other aspects.
In principle, the intrinsic value of water, considering the actual use must be based on the use made of water. From these aspects, the value of water would stick to the amortization of major infrastructure for collection and distribution management systems, and waste water treatment and purification (Rees, 1993).
These basic costs must be added the value derived from their use: quality potential use more water and its availability, abundance or scarcity (Cech, 2010). In addition to these concepts, relatively easy to quantify, should include a relative value, not economically quantifiable but of great value from the standpoint of ecological and environmental conservation. This value refers to the environmental performance of water, its importance, in the environment and ecosystem services it provides. Taken together, it forms a complex plot that directly affects the quality of life and health of the population (Cech, 2010).
The productive value of water has changed as they have developed their individual uses. They can be classified as, the urban and industrial use. Clearly, the trend is that the consumption rate or fee must refer primarily to the flow consumed, also determined in order to encourage private savings, some basic parameters or thresholds from which the price multiply. Thus, each user, individuals or business would be liable to their individual savings and avoid waste (Wright, 2008).
The scarcity of water, severe droughts and floods are major events that have been happening since the beginning of humanity. Water scarcity in the world has become one of the greatest threats to humankind and the cause of many tensions and conflicts. To be essential for the survival and development, sometimes the fresh water reserves have been the source of conflicts and quarrels, but also a matter of cooperation among those sharing water resources. Negotiations on the allocation and management of water resources have become more frequent as demand increases for the precious element(Clarke, 1993).
So even, the water issues have important implications for gender. In developing countries women and children are usually responsible ...