Environmental And Global Health Issues

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Environmental and Global Health Issues

Environmental and Global Health Issues

Task A:


While the world continues to make way for progress, constant development and expansion, it becomes relatively difficult for keeping track for the kind of problems and stressors that humans face in the area of healthcare and disease, which coils them every now and then. Although ample research has undertaken for identifying and resolving the otherwise diseases experienced by individuals, a lot of people till date still become prey to emerging infectious diseases (Alan, et al, 2004).

An emerging infectious disease implies an event, a phenomenon, which has been identified as a life-threatening event, which has been discovered in previous times and pertains to be amongst the biggest and deadliest triggers to come in the near future (Eichelberger, 2007). The disease, generally of this notion, stem from a new form or novel concept of microorganisms, that have not been cured and which shall require lengthy investigations and long-term analysis for its treatment and cure (Cyranoski, 2003).

Describe the communicable disease outbreak

To understand and comprehend the trends of emerging diseases that may spread out in the areas of research, we have taken up SARS as our focus of study and comprehension, which would help out and understand the kind of work and progress individuals generally have been making in the world of healthcare today (Lau, et.al, 2005).

Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome, more formally known as SARS, implies the phenomenon when a patient has been diagnosed or infected with respiratory disease, causing dismantling breathing problems for patients and becoming the leading cause of death amongst many nations across the globe (Smith, 2006).

SARS has been in big headlines since the time of its diagnosis or even before that. The first traces of this lethal disease come from a SARS-associated corona virus, which were first discovered sometime during the year 2002 and 2003, stemming and surfacing in the state of Hong Kong, becoming a near pandemic with almost 8,422 cases, alongside 916 deaths worldwide (Lau, et.al, 2005).

Describe the epidemiological indicators associated with the identified disease

The most common signs that have been identified among all patients associated with SARS have a temperature of above 100.4(C (38(F) (Smith, 2006). Apart from this, patients have demonstrated and shown signs of flu-like in the initial stages of SARS to become affecting the human body in the form of fever, muscular pains (more formally entitled myalgia), the patient feeling lethargic, cough, sore throat and other associates that suggest the person has become a patient of the conventional flu (Cyranoski, 2003).

Analyze the epidemiological data on the outbreak

With the passage of time, as the disease develops in the body and begins to dismantle the functioning of the immune system in the body of the system, it gradually and slowly becomes showing signs resembling those of influenza, a group of viruses that cause sporadic and epidemic outbreaks of influenza (the flu) in mammals. The human disease influenza is a respiratory illness characterized by fever and chills, headache, and muscle pain (Alan, ...
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