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English today occupies an almost unsurpassable position in higher education in the world. It plays a vital role in communication technology, growing economic globalization etc. It has much more resources in the sense of works of literature, films and television programs than any other language owing to its global popularity. The English language is increasingly being used for far-wider purposes than ever before in higher education. Almost everywhere it is at an important point of technological and technological development, new thinking in economics and management, new literatures and entertainment genres. This results in new vocabulary, grammatical forms and ways of speaking and writing.


The English language plays a vital role in the quality education as it forms an important component of higher education and in its subsequent livelihood prospects. It has been noticed and felt that the world looks different with the help of telecommunication, rapid transport and the increasing movement of people across the world as a result of migration, tourism and employment. English is of immense use as the predominant international language. A working knowledge of English is imperative for a number of reasons as it acts as a link language in communication between people of different cultural backgrounds working in a similar field. Secondly, the knowledge of English helps in the prospects of acquiring jobs in different cultural locales as the knowledge of a link language facilitates the efficient functioning of individuals irrespective of the cultural background. Effective communication is imperative in market situations and English acts as an important link to convey the message in such situations. English is important not only to improve the quality education but also as a strategy of earning our livelihood (Crystal, 1995).

The world is diverse, vast and varied and to understand it, to relate to it, and to survive in it especially as educated bread earners, we need to learn to understand and deal with that diversity by having a good knowledge of English. Briefly put, it becomes very important to develop the art of communicating with other people. No one language, besides English, is adequate in its ability to aid communication between people of diverse cultural backgrounds. Its importance therefore, is immense in education and livelihood as knowledge of English reduced the complications which would otherwise have arisen if English had not been the link language.

The nature of business and relationship in today's global world where there is an increasing need to reach out and communicate with people from all around the world, English becomes indispensable as a tool and hence is an important component in higher education. The English language thus, has in the present world become a tool for quality education as well as an instrument for effective communication of ideas, sharing of creativity and a means to understanding diverse cultures (Ellis, 1994).

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Taking English as a second or the third language has now become the most important part of education. English is the second largest spoken language in the world after ...
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