It is known to be the unit that is essential at the expressing level or above. It is capable of identifying depending on the criteria. Have the least achievable units in a reply. It has certain features such as a stress model that is regular, has different conditions and depending on those phonological changes occurs blocked with the certain boundaries of word. Word is a huge unit that is challenging to the new expression staying with in the boundaries. Even if it is the smallest it only moves with in the sentences, not destroying the grammatical structure of the sentences. It has to follow the hierarchy of the grammatical essentials. There are many different kinds of words and the grammatical language is vast..
She just flattered him to get whatever she wanted.
1 What is the word, and how is it used in a sentence?
She just flattered him to get whatever she wanted.
What type of word is it (part of speech)?
Adjective; Simple past tense and past participle of flatter.
What does it mean?
Might it get confused with any other word or idea?
Is it formal / informal?
To praise someone to make them feel important or attractive, sometimes not in sincere way.
It is not always admiring for your own sake but mostly used in that sense.
It is a neutral word. Not very formal or neither informal.
How is it pronounced? How is it written phonetically?
How will I make sure everyone is clear about the pronunciation?
Are there any features that may cause difficulty to some learners in the pronunciation of certain sounds, or the stress?
Model the natural pronunciation for everyone.
Ask learners to repeat individually and chorally.
Pay more attention to:
Stress on first syllable æ
How will I elicit it? Remember to use simple language!
Explain the students that she pleased him to get whatever she wants.
Ask: What do we call the way she is pleasing him?
Mimic that you want something from someone and then start pleasing him/her.
How will I check that the meaning is clear (including any possible confusion with other words or ideas, and if there are factors relating to formal/informal use)? Remember:
• use simple language!
Ask conceptual questions:
Q: Is she pleasing him before asking for anything?
Q: What she is doing?
Can I relate the word to my learners' own lives?
Has anyone adopted the flattering technique to get his job done?
When you did it?
Why you did it?
How will I make sure the written form is clear? Are there any particular problems of spelling that you would point out?
Write the sentence on the board. Invite students to dictate me. How they think flattered is spelt. Point out double 't'. Make sure everyone note it down on the notebooks
You've got a cheek! You borrow my car, crash it because you were driving too fast and now you want to borrow my new one. No way!
1 What is the word, and how is it used in a sentence?
You've got a cheek! You borrow my car, crash it because you were driving too fast and now you want to borrow my new ...