Ending World Hunger.

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Ending World Hunger.

Ending World Hunger


To lead a healthy and active life, we must have food in quantity, quality and variety sufficient to meet our energy needs and nutrition. Without adequate nutrition, children cannot develop their full potential for growth and adults will have difficulty in maintaining or increasing. For the first time in 15 years, the estimated number of chronically hungry people worldwide has fallen in 2010 (Stanford, 2010). However, the 925 million people suffering from hunger or the number of children dying from malnutrition (one every six seconds) numbers remain "unacceptably high", as published today the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture (FAO) in a report.

According to the calculations of this body, this year there will be 98 million less than in 2009 suffering from chronic hunger, a structural problem that, despite the slight increase, not solved simply by economic growth. "Hunger is still the biggest tragedy and the biggest scandal in the world", said in a news conference in Rome, where FAO based, Jacques Diouf, director general of the UN agency. No data are lacking to prove the "scandal" referred Diouf: “Every six seconds a child dies of malnutrition-related problems” (Marchione, 2010).

Thesis Statement

The world wide hunger is not caused by the shortage of food. Rather it is caused be the inability to afford it.


In order to develop a mechanism, we must understand the nature of the issue here. The primary cause of world hunger is not sufficient for food production, but impossible for the poor to purchase food products. The food prices are too high for the average incomes of the population of the Third World. In advanced countries, the food expenditure represents 20-25% of family income (Grigg, 2010), while the rest spent on clothing, transportation, accommodation, entertainment etc. In poorer countries, but food spending ...
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