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Although far less than for prescription entities, attention has also been paid to the determinants of OTC counseling. For example, 1200 questionnaires were sent to independent and chain pharmacists nationwide in one American study. Pharmacists were provided a checklist and asked to indicate which factors would encourage them to do more OTC counseling. A total of 327 usable documents were returned. Results were as follows (values in parentheses represent the percentage each factor was selected by respondents): more time to counsel (71 percent); reimbursement for counseling (52 percent); more information/education on the products (26 percent); availability of a specific counseling area (19 percent); and more encouragement from management (seven percent). (Dean 1981, 69-76)

Another important factor in determining readiness for behavior change is self-efficacy. In daily life, people continuously make decisions about what courses of action to pursue and/or how long to continue those already undertaken. Knowledge and the requisite skills for an activity will be important determinants of successful outcomes. However, they do not guarantee success. A mediating determinant of how people behave is an individual's perception of his or her own specific performance capabilities for a particular type of task. This is referred to as self-efficacy. As such, efficacy beliefs help determine actual behavioral choices made, how much effort people will expend on an activity, how long they will persevere when confronted by obstacles, and how resilient they may prove to be in the face of adverse situations. When considering whether or not to engage in an activity, for example, people tend to avoid those they believe exceed their coping capabilities, while they are more apt to engage in those they feel capable of managing. (Dean 1981, 69-76)

As a result of what could be considered sub-optimal pharmacist involvement in Canada, new standards for OTC counseling have been proposed. These standards will address all OTC products - ones kept out front as well as those positioned behind the counter. The focus of the research presented here, however, will be on NPA OTCs. (Kirking 1986) It has become apparent that in order to justify continuation of this particular OTC category, and to provide better care for users of these products, a significant increase in activity in this area will be required. Pharmacists may soon be called upon to engage more frequently in counseling on these products, be required to do more during each engagement, and document their endeavors. Whether pharmacists will adopt such changes remains unknown. The purpose of this study was to measure and explain pharmacist readiness to assess the appropriateness of consumer NPA OTC product requests. This will be accomplished using the theoretical frameworks of the Transtheoretical Model of Change and self-efficacy. To date, these concepts have not been considered in research involving NPA OTC products. Background is provided on these theories and the determinants of OTC counseling. (Pray 1996, 69-76)

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