Employment Relations

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The Role of UK Government in Employment Relations

The Role of UK Government in Employment Relations


Classical approaches over the social science got pinpointed the part of state in a society. The existence of a regulating authority creates the capability to overcome the slight alterations & dim changes which can create or demolish the built structures in the government. In this document we are going to discuss the role of state in the area of relationship. We will analyze in the discussion that the state adopts different parts in sustaining the charge in the current structure of employee relation in the division of labour. Particularly, this document will discuss the main roles of the state as a character in the system of relations employee. Furthermore, an analysis of the method the power is being used by the government in the process that would be provided. Likewise, the strategies and the policies that impact the sector of labour directly will be analyzed. Particularly, the current advancement in the sector of labour in United Kingdom will be considered. In doing that, a clear explanation of that method of that state over the usual relationship of employee is developed. Besides that, concerns like labour flexibility & unemployment would also be considered, which includes the method that the state is considering in order to reduce the effects of these issues. Moreover, the system of protection established through the state for employees would be talked about too. In that way, a complete explanation of the part of British state over relations of employees is given. In this paper we are also going to review the role of Australian government in employee relation system. The arguments and observations which are created in the pieces of this document is being underpinned by scholarly journals and academic articles which deals openly with the area of HR management, industrial relations and relations with employees.


I. The State as Character in the System of Employee Relations

The role which is played by the government in the context of employee relations system is very active. The claim of this document is that there are 3 parts in which the government is needed to wield its influence & to act in that sector of labour. These consist of the areas of economics which is included in the maintenance of workforce market, maintaining the order in sector of labour and the rectification of the law which protects both the employees and employer.

In economics context, it is required by the state to operate as being a manager to talk about the issues which has straight influenced the sector of labour. Particularly, the state has to level out the results of economics, such as inflation in employment circumstances of public. Research has shown that increase in unemployment controls the speed of inflation in the economy. Primarily the government is needed to glance into circumstances of economics of the government to analyze the proper point of wage which employers can give & what the associates of union can ask ...
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