Employee Voice

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Employee voice

Employee voice


Employee voice is the two way of communication between employee and his employer. It involves the process of communicating as well as listening and receiving to the communication from the employer. Also it involves the employer communication to the employee. It is the actually the involvement and participation of employees in decision making process of the corporate. The two types of employee voice involve the formal and informal means in order to reduce the level of conflict between them. Helps in improving the communication gap and staff retention also get encouraged through boosting up with motivation and fair treatments.

The informal and formal mechanism;

Employee voice can be attained in both the informal and formal ways of communication. The informal mechanism includes the general conversation ways between employees and employers which include email communication, feedback of employee, meeting at work place and social functioning. Employees can influence in decision making of the organization through their acts of absenteeism and turnover.

Where as a formal mechanism involves tools of communication which are implemented by human resource division of the organization, which includes surveys and suggestions. Organizations help employees by promoting their voice with their financial participation. Which involves share ownership and sharing of profit opportunities? The other formal ways of employees consulting committees and representation is through the trade unions, which makes sure that the employees are informed and their voice in decisions can affect their employment.

Representative Participation and direct employee involvement;

There are multiple definitions of employee voice which may deal with the matters of pay and conditions. Their development and training issues depends on the extent on which the issue is considered to be discussed. This may involve separate procedures that cope with training and development. They may be participated representations or direct employee involvement. Taking the collective form ...
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