Employee Rights Safeguard

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Employee rights Safeguard

Employee rights Safeguard


Employee rights are the fundamental concern of the corporate world. Human capital nurture and retention is the fundamental concern of organizations, since it is the only sustainable competitive advantage in the dynamic and ever-changing atmosphere of global business arena. To protect and safeguard employee rights is the most fundamental responsibility of an organization. The blue planet is going through an extremely dynamic environment regarding the context of corporate survival and development. The dynamism affects everything that includes corporations and their environment. Corporations are getting more attentive on protecting employee rights, and safeguarding their welfare and well-being in all respects. However, it is getting difficult to ensure full safety and protection of employee rights.

There are many factors that affect employee rights adversely. The term employee rights; is defined as “the obligations and responsibilities an organization bears towards an individual, when he is appointed as an employee for job in that particular organization”. Employee rights differ from organization to organization; however, there are basic employee rights, which are universal and mandatory for every organization.

As of the evolution of globalized economy; there are newly emerging factors that are threatening to employee rights safeguard, and therefore, more stringent legislations have taken place in this regard. The major concern regarding employee rights revolve around personnel rights, diversity, sexual harassment and affirmative action. The paper discusses all four concerns with organizational perspective, as well as, facts and figures, also it presents their significance in organizational context. It also presents critical reflection pertaining each of the four. The paper presents a descriptive analysis of current practices regarding handling the afore-mentioned factors, as well as, it analyses the role of personnel public administration, with regard to, safeguard and protection of employee rights in the afore-mentioned cases. At the end it presents recommendations in the regard.

Employee rights and emerging issues

The concept of employee rights and their safeguard is fundamental to survival and thrive of any organization. There are more stringent legal obligations, as well as, ethical codes proposed in the regard. However, with emergence of globalization they are becoming much more crucial yet difficult to safeguard. The key areas of employee rights violation are discussed as under;

Personnel rights

The concept of personnel rights is a very vast context, yet very fundamental and basic to the organizations. The term is defined as “the obligations abided by an organization, where, an employee is treated fairly, morally, as well as, legally in the best possible manner”. It is the entitlement of certain material benefits to the employee, with regard to, his effort towards achieving organizational goals. Personnel rights are now an affair of legislation and state affairs. Governments have legally bounded the organizations in fulfilling their obligation towards personnel rights, across the globe (NERA, n.d.).

In the workplace, an employee is not an individual working for money or other material benefits, but rather, he is a unit of the whole business canvas, and therefore, has have respect in this regard. Personnel rights are divided in different ...
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