The Retention Rate of Employees in Security Company
[Number of the Student]
[Name of the University]
The Retention Rate of Employees in Security Company
Task 1
Importance of Critical Review
The research becomes bias and incomplete when it is not critically reviewed. It is essential to include the perspective all authors irrespective of the fact that they agree with the research topic or not. The reason behind this is the fact that there are limitations of every research. Therefore, if certain elements of the topic cannot be justified with the literature review, it is only natural. Moreover, the term “critical thinking” clearly explains that the writer should clearly examine, analyze and discuss the topic while not excluding the “possible criticism” on that research topic.
Balanced-Critical Review
By balanced critical review, the tutor means to say that the review should include the research that supports the topic and the research that does not support the topic, in an equal proportion. The draft should not overly focus on one view. It should preferably focus on both agreement and disagreements of authors who have conducted prior research on the chosen topic. The reason behind this is that fact that, if literature review supports the topic, there is no point of doing additional research on the topic. However, if the research will include both negative and positive views, in a balanced manner, then it will justify the reason for doing additional research.
Assessment of Sara's Review
Sara's review is overly critical because she has included the view of writers who described the weakness of complexity theory in implementing organizational change. The review clearly goes in one direction and does not include the positive aspects of complexity theory in sufficient detail. The research question of Sara is, “what are the weaknesses of using complexity theory to prescribe how change should be managed?” However, the review should not be limited, and the research topic should not be leading. Whenever, a writer uses leading question in the topic, the research goes in one direction. In order to develop a balanced-literature review, Sara should replace the research topic with the following:
“Role of complexity theory in implementing change”
She should first describe the positive aspects of complexity theory by including the views of the author who support this theory. After giving explicit reference, Sara should explain why she is sure that these views support that topic, and are correct. Then she should reflect the criticism on the effectiveness of the complexity theory by including the view of writers who are not the supporters of complexity theory. Then she should give reason as to why she thinks that their criticism can be valid and justified. Lastly, she should present all the research in a consistent and logical flow. The presentation should not be vigorous and disorganized. In addition to this, she should end her review by explaining the limitations of the research so that she can justify the importance of doing further research on the topic. She should also explain why her research will not be outdated before ...