Employee Relations Maternity And Paternity

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Maternity and Paternity Possibly as the Main Substance in Employee Relations

Maternity and Paternity Possibly as the Main Substance in Employee Relations

Employment process and practice in maternal and paternal

The benefit of maternity leave is given when the female employee is pregnant and is conditional on information from the employer by the employee. Employment process and practice in relation to maternity leave includes leave pre and postnatal leave. Its duration depends on various factors such as the number of dependent children, the number of unborn children. Maternity leave is one that is given to the mother to take paid when it has a biological or adopted child. The paternity is one for which the father can enjoy the same cases. The duration and conditions of both licenses are different. Maternity and paternity are two important substances with respect to employee relations.

In United Kingdom, there are numerous organizations, be it successful or not, all need to address this issue of maternal and paternal leaves seriously as conflict arises between the employees and the employers concerning this substance. A wide range of legislation governs maternity, paternity and adoption leave and pay. Most of the relevant legislation can be found consolidated into the Employment Rights Act 1996 or the Employment Relations Act 1999. However, due to some critical issues the Employment Act got amended since then keeping in mind the changing scenarios and challenges with respect to this context (Great Britain Parliament, 2005, page 1-150).

Employment process and employment practice in relation to maternal and paternal have a term defined by law. New mothers may take 26 weeks maternity leave plus another 26 additional weeks. For the latter takes into account the time worked for the company, working hours, salary and other criteria. The low is mandatory for the first two weeks and the first four for factory workers. For 39 weeks at low pay is 123.06 pounds sterling, or about 140 Euros per week. To collect the employee must have worked for the same company, at least 26 weeks before 25 weeks of pregnancy. For mothers who do not meet the above requirements, there is a term or process called maternity pension. To access one must have worked at least 26 of the last 66 weeks before giving birth, with an average salary of 30 pounds (34 Euros) for 13 of those 66 weeks. Maternity / paternity leave has an impact on employment. The law provides various protective measures for this situation (Wilkinson, Briscoe,  Kaye, 2006, page 4).

The same applies in case of premature delivery (before 37 weeks gestation), because if the mother's request to start counting from the date on which the newborn is discharged, except for the initial 6 weeks. Employment process and employment practice further brings about a possibility that after 6 weeks of uninterrupted compulsory leave, the mother agreed with the company to enjoy the remainder of the period of rest in part, reducing the length of their workday. For this to happen it is necessary that the company and the employee reach an agreement. 

This possibility is also in the case of paternity leave. Paternity leave lasts to 13 days, to which add ...
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