Employee Benefit

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Employee Benefit

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Employee Benefit


At a time when the role of the Human Resources department of a company is taking vital importance, and is beginning to be recognized as a pillar development of an organization, it seems important to examine one aspect of the function operation of it. We believe that the subject matter may be a factor fundamental to the assessment made ??by those who work as employees (or want to) to stay in a particular organization, or to accept one proposal over another. No longer enough to offer competitive salaries, but must "Seduce" current employees (or future) with other elements. We believe that one of them (though not only) what are the so-called benefits to staff. It is very important to point out the impossibility of analyzing the full benefits staff that may exist in enterprises today, especially considering that opportunities to develop and implement new stipends can be virtually endless TAS, with the ultimate limit of the imagination and creativity to build managers tools like these. This factor also is closely related to the differences subjective people in every moment and every company, with the economic situation the country, the world, and the area where they operate, among other variables.

Statement of the Problem

In this research, therefore, we have considered the following problem: can the benefits granted to staff to contribute to the motivation of employees? This pro- problem arises from the interest of determining the economic or psychological, which can contribute to the perception of a company as the optimal place to work. We take as a premise that no one perceives her job as the ideal; from the moment we think that the demands required by each for comfortable Tirse change an irregular rhythm, subjective and disproportionate to the possibilities activities of the company to meet the expectations of its employees for a period long and continuous time in time. However, we consider of vital importance that the company grants to its employees the most benefit, to serve as a complement to the remuneration rations legislation and collective bargaining agreements in effect provided.

That is the goal of this work, confirm that the benefits in their personal- multiple possibilities of grant, are an important motivating factor, attracting and retaining the best talent available in the labor market. We that the funding that is part of the company and its powers are in close relation to the quantity and quality of benefits that it makes available, although recognize that this is not the only factor to attract and retain staff, but there are other factors taken into account when making an assessment in this regard.

Theoretical framework

A theory consists of an interpretation that is invented to find explanation for these events, phenomena or data that would be inconsistent without such inter- interpretation. Within it, the hypothesis presented a case to be analyzed. "The concept theory refers to ideas invented for interpretative purposes, about events or things that cannot be directly observed or empirically, but through ...
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