This research paper analyse empoyment Assistance program at workplaces to find out its effect on employees at the Workplace. Researches show that throughout the business world, one of the largest problems individual businesses face is the use of illegal drugs and alcohol. These substances greatly affect the business and workplace environments for many individuals. Employee assistance programs were created to help deal with augmenting substance abuse problems.
Employee Assistance Programs
Employee assistance programs enable companies and its workers to detect if a co-worker is having problems and aids in helping them to overcome their problems by giving them advice or suggesting counseling. Critics have noticed some problems with this program. One problem is the lack of confidentiality and the fact that co-workers and bosses are afraid to confront their workers. In order for companies to minimize their loss of money, and for employees to stop ruining their lives and the lives around them, the employee assistance program is a necessity. Appropriate prevention and intervention efforts with employee assistance programs will save companies from losing experienced employees, and save employees from failure and even death.
The most tremendous problems that companies are facing in the Nineties are the abuse of drugs and alcohol. Alcoholism is defined as a chronic, progressive, and fatal disease. The American Medical Association has recognized alcoholism as a disease since 1956 (Scanlon, 9). An alcoholic is identified as having a severe dependency, or addiction, and a cumulative pattern of behaviors associated with drinking. Alcoholism is apparent when someone is frequently drunk, having marriage problems, driving while intoxicated, getting fired, or being arrested (Drug Abuse).
A significant difference between being an alcoholic and a drug addict is that drugs, no matter what the age of the user, are illegal. Drug abuse is defined as the use of a drug for a purpose other than for its possible intended medical purpose, which causes a person to be impaired physically, emotionally, and socially. In both cases people use these substances as a way to escape from their problems, and as a way of postponing upcoming problems in their lives (Scanlon, 10). Substance abuse is the misuse of any substance leading to a loss of control over mind and body. Employee assistance programs were founded in 1971 and they: “Have been working to develop and maintain the best possible workplace relationships… EAP members follow professional standards and a strict code of ethics, which includes a firm commitment to protect and uphold confidentiality” (Dickman, 7). Employee assistance programs (EAP) are designed to assist in finding and to aid in solving productivity problems associated with employees impaired by alcohol, drugs and any other problems that affect the employee's job performance. The cost ranges from $12 to $35 per employee for an EAP program. Businesses investing in an EAP rather than an insurance policy save anywhere from $5 to $16 per employee (Goldberg, 1). This proves to be considerably cheaper for a company that will greatly benefit from the use of this ...