In this study we have explored the concept of Emotional Intelligence with respect to the early childhood education. The paper starts with the brief overview of Emotional Intelligence and then the paper discusses the importance of Emotional Intelligence in relation to the early childhood education in a detailed manner. Throughout the study it was found that Emotional Intelligence plays an important role in the early childhood education to develop the children in a better manner. In the conclusion, the paper ends with the ending remarks about the Emotional Intelligence and early childhood education.
Emotional Intelligence & Childhood Education
Every day of our lives, if not every minute and even every second we have to deal with our emotions and those of others. Emotions play an important role in our lives. They can sometimes dominate us, sometimes make us very happy and sometimes make us very unhappy. The awakening of emotional intelligence is essential to enable the child and the student to understand what are the emotions, in order to give the chance to get out of their way and to get the most for their well-being. Hence the importance of learning as early as possible in our childhood and to control and prevent them from being born (Weinberg, Scarr & Waldman, 1992).
Emotional intelligence is a way to interact with the world is well aware of the feelings, and includes skills such as impulse control, self-esteem, motivation, enthusiasm, perseverance, empathy, mental agility, etc. They shape character traits like self-discipline, compassion and altruism, which is essential for a good and creative social adjustment.
Emotional intelligence, as we all know, is a relatively new concept, but has deeply instilled in the educational field. And of course, early childhood education is no stranger to this movement. Improving your emotional intelligence is not an easy or quick process. On the contrary, it is a process that takes a lifetime, because it is influenced by changes and situations which we have to face along our life path (Coon et al, 1993). The time we spend on our students from children to develop their emotional intelligence is not time wasted. It will be a time of great quality, communication and mutual respect, learning through fun. We will be increasing their chances for happiness.
Emotional intelligence is considered essential as the ability of people to attend and perceive the feelings appropriately and accurately, the ability to assimilate and understand them properly and the ability to regulate and modify your mood or that of others.
This ability to manage emotions appropriately can and should develop from the earliest years of life and that emotions are expressed from birth, a child loved, cherished, is a child with self-confidence, a child safe (Teasdale & Owen, 1984). Education not only provides intellectual and school performance, currently is putting emphasis on the development of emotional skills and self-esteem, i.e. the education of feeling, valuing them.
People with emotional intelligence:
Learn to identify their own emotions.
Manage their emotional reactions to identify appropriate ways to express ...