Emotional Development

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Guidance Notes for Parents on Emotional Development

Guidance Notes for Parents on Emotional Development


According to Erikson, the socialization method comprises of eight stages - the "eight phases of man." His eight phases of man were formulated, not through untested work, but through broad - extending know-how in psychotherapy, encompassing comprehensive know-how with young children and adolescents from reduced - as well as top - and middle - communal classes. Each stage is considered by Erikson as a "psychosocial crisis," which arises and claims tenacity before the next stage can be satisfactorily negotiated. (Fox 2004)


Erikson's Eight phases of Development

1. discovering Basic believe Versus Basic Mistrust (Hope)

Chronologically, this is the time span of infancy through the first one or two years of life. The progeny, well - managed, nurtured, and loved, evolves believe and security and a rudimentary optimism. Badly managed, he becomes insecure and mistrustful.


2.; discovering Autonomy Versus Shame (Will)

The second psychosocial urgent position, Erikson accepts as factual, happens throughout early childhood, likely between about 18 months or 2 years and 3½ to 4 years of age. The "well - parented" progeny appears from this stage certain of himself, elated with his new discovered command, and pleased other than ashamed. (Fox 2004)


3discovering Initiative Versus Guilt (Purpose)

Erikson accepts as factual that this third psychosocial urgent position happens throughout what he calls the "play age," or the subsequent preschool years (from about 3½ to, in the United States heritage, application into prescribed school). During it, the healthily evolving progeny learns: (1) to envisage, to expand his abilities through hardworking play of all kinds, encompassing fantasy (2) to help with other ones (3) to lead as well as to follow. Immobilized by guilt, he is: (1) fearful (2) suspends on the fringes of assemblies (3) extends to count unduly on mature ...
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