Emerging Technologies

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Emerging Technologies

Emerging Technologies


Today, technology is part of the life of every society. Science and technology are providing society with a wide variety of options as to what might be the fate of humanity (Roco, 2004). We believe that technology provides short-term benefits estimable, although long-term studies have engendered serious social problems, the benefits that come with modern technology are numerous and widely known. Increased productivity provides society surpluses that allow for more free time, with the help of technology we can cure many diseases, facilitate communication, improve education and, in fact, pursue their own scientific work. As time progresses human beings discover different technologies from innovating and improving existing discoveries made ??before, naming such advances emerging technologies (Branscomb, 2003). In this paper we are going to identify emerging technologies and discuss its impact on global society by 2020.

Emerging technologies are defined as "scientific innovations that can create a new industry or transform an existing one. It includes discontinuous technologies derived from radical innovations and more advanced technologies formed as a result of the convergence of previously separate research branches. Every of these technologies provide a rich range of market opportunities that provide the incentive to make risky investments. The evidence indicates that technology is key in today's society (Garreau, 2005). In this paper, we are going o focus on HTML5 as an emerging technology and we will assists its impact on global society by 2020.


HTML5 (Hyper Text Markup Language, version 5) is the fifth major revision of the core language of the World Wide Web, HTML. HTML5 provides a number of new elements and attributes that reflect typical usage on modern websites. Some of them are technically similar to the
and , but have semantic meaning, such as
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