Emerging Church Movement

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Emerging Church Movement

Emerging Church Movement

Emerging church is a Christian movement of the 21st Century movement which crosses a number of theological boundaries. The participants in this movement are defined as post Protestant, protestant, post-evangelical and evangelical, conservative, post-conservative, liberal and post-liberal, Adventist, Anabaptist, charismatic, neo charismatic, reformed and post charismatic.

Thesis Statement

The emerging church movement positively affects today's generation call and preaching.

Need for the Study

Historical Background

Proponents on the other hand believe that the movement transcends from the conservative, liberal and modernist labels. They consider the movement as the conversation which emphasizes decentralized and developing nature, standpoints and commitment to dialogs. The citizens are believed to have a faith in the post modern society. They also agree on the disappointment with the institutional and organized church. They also support modern evangelism, deconstruction of modern Christian worship and the nature of modern Christian community.

Implications and significance of the study

In order to meet the new cultural paradigm including the young generation that is coming up, the emerging church has been formulated. The younger generation is more attracted to the evangelical churches. It was observed in 1990 by leaders in the Leadership network that 18-35 years youngsters were being attracted to the churches. Therefore, in viewing this observation the Leadership Network stated investigating what churches were doing in order to monitor the Generation X. Therefore, it was then noticed that some books would be published in order to keep the young generation involved in the emerging church. More than 20 books have been published after his consideration. It has also been considered that more books will be published in future. This movement is more importantly associated with the concerns of church growth and retaining people of the post modern culture. Therefore, at one point we can consider emerging church as a movement and on the ...
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