The company which has been selected for the study is the Intel Corporation. The study is focused on the suitability of the organization and potential opportunities: like introducing new technologies and new features in the product are discussed, the Emerging theme i.e. Acquisition is opted by Intel by acquiring McAfee and its impact on stakeholders is also discussed in the late part.
Purpose of the study
The purpose of the study is to learn about the sustainability and the aspect which is covering in the Intel`s sustainability. The study will also elaborate that how Intel Corporation will deal to create more opportunities and minimize the potential danger, and which emerging theme Intel Corporation has adopted.
Sustainability and its Aspects.
The concept of sustainability arises in a negative way; as a result of analyzing the world situation can be described as a "planetary emergency", as an untenable situation that seriously threatens the future of humanity. When we talk about sustainability, we say that this is a parallel process to all social enterprise and initiative, which allows and provides for its durability over time, strengthening and facilitates structural changes necessary, through appropriate mechanisms and tools for such continuity.
There seems to be an inverse relationship between the ease with which generally interpreted the environmental aspect of sustainable development, with the difficulty of interpreting or simply to treat the social aspects of sustainability beyond, in my opinion, limited scope that assigned in what has been called Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).
It is not difficult to find consensus (though certainly not without reservations or qualifications) on the environmental constraints of those just mentioned. The awareness of the environmental problem is increasing. And even going to go over, I dare say, after the last publication of James Lovelock n which it predicts an inevitable and ecological catastrophe this century. However, it is much harder to find and not consensus, but simply to find opportunities to develop effectively for incorporation into public and corporate actions, such other development restrictions imposed on us "social". That development must be "socially" sustainable implies a redefinition of the environment in the sense that it is not possible to speak of environment or sustainability without considering people, regardless of the individual and collective human behavior. It is not possible, from this perspective, talk about sustainability without talking about justice and solidarity. (Rowe, 2006)
It is refer to the requirements of European Directive or the state and regional legislation on impact assessment which require assessing the effects on society and human welfare. When it comes to remember people as social requirements of sustainable development, I think we must refer, at least the following four aspects that we termed (following the scheme above) moral or social constraints to development, but I prefer to present here as principles which are: the principle of equitable development, early antisocial behavior, inter-regional solidarity principle and the principle of intergenerational solidarity. (Matthews, 2003)
Intel and Sustainability
Forrest added that the award given by the Department of State is ...