Electronic Health Record

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Electronic Health Record

Electronic Health Record


Nursing informatics has now become the essential feature for smoother functioning of the healthcare services and to meet the unstable demands of the patients. Nursing informatics involves the use of hi-tech information and technology to enhance the patient's healthcare, education and clinical research. The adoption of the new technologies in the healthcare has impacted the healthcare industry positively across the globe.

The goal of electronic medical record is the incorporation of information technology and communication (ICT) in health activity. This resulted in a record of information generated by the relationship between a patient and a professional or a health center, to be part of integrated clinical information. The electronic medical record is the unified record, which is filed in electronic format consisting of all information concerning patients and their health care. It is accessible, with appropriate limitations, in all cases in which clinical care is needed (emergency, primary care, specialty, income, hospital, etc.).

The EHR is a means by which computer technology has influenced the family health information. Both applications use computers to enter, store and retrieve health information. In some cases, this information may be shared between applications. With the adoption of EHRs, there may be less trouble to store and retrieve health information for people who have the routine to access the detailed information and it is important in case of national disaster (American Psychological Association, 2010).


Patient expectations are changing, so we need to share information to help them understand the direction, often called "information governance" which ensures the exchange of information in a safe and secure. Health consumer computing is how we can bridge the gap between patients and health information resources. For example, quick access to health records and information allows healthcare professionals and patients to make greater responsible decisions for managing their own needs. Although this should be part of routine nursing practice (American Nurses Association, 2001).

Electronic health records allow people to get in their decisions about health care, while physicians may use information for better diagnosis and treatment decisions. An electronic medical record includes the medical examinations, consultations of specialists, nurses, records, test results, studies, etc. The number of necessary sections of medical records in an electronic patient medical record is not limited. There is a great possibility that each healthcare professional expert can create own templates and sections required to enter the medical records, which includes the use conventional classifiers that allow them too quickly and fully display the status of the patient. In addition, in any part of the HER, physician has the opportunity to enter free text that meets the requirements of the standard system of electronic medical records (Green, 2011).

In response to the challenge set forth by the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM), health care providers have begun implementing EHRs. The EHR is designed to replace the paper charting system. The EHR has several components, and any or all may be implemented by a health care organization. Within the EHR, nurses, physicians, social workers, respiratory therapists and physical ...
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