Effects Of Violent Television Programs And Movies On Children

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Effects of Violent Television Programs and Movies on Children

[Name of InstitutionEffects of Violent Television Programs and Movies on Children


Television programs can prove to be good for the people, and can also be disastrous for them. It can prove to be harmful for the future of the people and the most impacted by the violent programs are the children. Children are adversely impacted by violent programs and movies. They have negative psychological impact which makes it difficult for them to recover (Berkowitz, 2004). This makes them very aggressive and the temperament of children changes at a very age. The negative impacts of violent television programs and movies on children are discussed in this paper.


Children of different ages watch and interpret programs according to their level of understanding. They make sure that they interpret the information correctly which will help them in understating the program completely. Violent programs have a very bad impact on the children. The reason behind this is that they are unable to differentiate between what is good and what is bad for them. The impact of violent television programs is great on children. It should be made sure that children do not watch violent programs to a great extent. People develop aggressive behaviors which is not good for the future of the people. it leads to criminal activities which is harmful for the society (Feldman, 2009).

Watching violent programs or movies rarely will not impact the children to a great extent; however, if the child constantly watches movies or programs he will develop aggressive behavior. Aggressive behavior then gives birth to criminal activities and the person gets involved in criminal activities. There are psychologist affects of watching violent programs, as well, on a child. When a child starts watching such programs and movies, all he has in mind is violence; ...
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