Effects Of Overtraining On Peak Performance In High School Girls Soccer

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Effects of overtraining on peak performance in High School Girls soccer

[Name of the Instructor]

[Date of Submission]


The meetings and journals dealing with top level sports emphasize the topic of overtraining that is provided to the players of different sports. The specifics that concern overtraining seem to still remain unclear despite the fact that the problem has been well known for over a period of 70 years. The objective of writing this research paper is to assess the effects of over training on peak performance in high school girls' soccer. With the help of the previous literature, the fact is proved in this paper that peak performance is adversely affected by the element of overtraining. Soccer remains the major focus of this research work as specifically achieving a peak performance in the soccer match by providing the players with a hard training day before match does not seems to be fruitful. Several days of repeated efforts without providing proper recovery time also serve as a barrier towards success, resulting in a decline in peak performance. The paper also discusses about the over training syndrome_ a disorder that is created by poor performance because of inability to deal with the load of training. Some recommendations in the form of treatment of over training syndrome are also provided.

Table of Contents



Overtraining and Soccer sport2

Literature Research providing support to the fact that peak performance is adversely affected by overtraining3

Overtraining and the development of overtraining syndrome in the Young Soccer players: A major contributor to the decline of peak performance7

Guidelines to be considered when the young soccer teams of high school girls are provided with training8

Treatment for overtraining9


Annotated Bibliography12

Effects of overtraining on peak performance in High School Girls soccer


To perform at peak is considered as an achievement that requires hard training efforts by most of the sports players. The volume and intensity of the training efforts are increased by the sports players considering it as a way to perform at a higher level. For decades, the overtraining remains an important debate topic in the journals and meetings that deal with the most popular top-level sports (Uusitalo, 2001). The debate holds an important place in the field of soccer sports as well. For a period of about 70 years, the problem has remained well known (Uusitalo, Tahvanainen, & Uusitalo, 1996; Uusitalo A. L., 2001). The soccer players (girls) in a high school remain under great physical and mental demands that eventually lead to their diminished peak performance. Overtraining syndrome is being experienced by these soccer girl players as a result of the heavy and prolonged training hours. Playing too many games within a short period of time can also be held responsible for the poor peak performance and thus can also increase the probability of illness and injury. The increase in intensity and volume of training when occurs before the athletes' body is ready to handle it, or when the training session occurs without sufficient recovery period, a backfire can be produced by the increase training strategy, ...
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