Computer games and use of internet has become very common in these days. Mostly we find our children all busy in sitting in front of PC and playing computer games. Due to this children have become more attracted towards the computer games and they do not even have the time for social gatherings (Song, 2005). Children prefer the computer games than their relatives or friends. Similarly another issue prevailing in this society is the increase of financial fraud cases because of the use of internet (Chen, 2004). Many people have started creating websites which invite people to submit some money and make them greedy that in return they will be getting a huge amount as a lottery win.
Research Objectives
Do computer games make children less likely to interact socially?
Has the internet lead to more instances of financial fraud?
Literature Review
Over-dependence on video games could foster social isolation, as they are often played alone. Practicing violent acts may contribute more to aggressive behaviour than passive television watching. Studies do find a relationship between violent television watching and behaviour (Chen, 2003). Women are often portrayed as weaker characters that are helpless or sexually provocative. Game environments are often based on plots of violence, aggression and gender bias. Many games only offer an arena of weapons, killings, kicking, stabbing and shooting. Playing violent video games may be related to aggressive behaviour (Anderson & Dill, 2000; Gentile, Lynch & Walsh, 2004). Questions have been raised about early exposure to violent video games. Many games do not offer action that requires independent thought or creativity. Games can confuse reality and fantasy. Online multiplayer communities are social networks built around multiplayer online computer games. Members of these communities typically share an interest in online gaming and a great deal of the interaction between them is technologically mediated (Yan, 2002). Marko Siitonen from University of Jyväskylä studied social interaction in online multiplayer communities in his doctoral thesis of speech communication.
Online multiplayer games typically encourage interaction between players: some go even as far as demanding it. Collaboration with other players may be a prerequisite for making progress in a game, or a game may be based on competition between players.
Typical online games can be played fairly independently, without seeking closer contact with other gamers. However, social interaction is a strong motive not only for playing multiplayer games, but also for forming lasting social relationships with other gamers, Siitonen says.
Enforcement actions by the Securities and Exchange Commission and criminal prosecutions indicate that criminals are using two basic methods for trying to manipulate securities markets for their personal profit (US Department of Justice, 2004). First, in so-called "pump-and-dump" schemes, they typically disseminate false and fraudulent information in an effort to cause dramatic price increases in thinly traded stocks or stocks of shell companies (the "pump"), then immediately sell off their holdings of those stocks (the "dump") to realize substantial profits before the stock price falls back ...