Effective Management Module

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Effective Management Module for Tesco

Table of Contents


Current Trends of Industry3

Difference between manager and leader6

What makes an effective leader or manager?7

Theoretical Framework7

Goal setting theory8

Use Goal Setting Methods8

Benchmark for Goal- Settings9

Motivational theory11

Effective Management Module13


Effective Management Module for Tesco


The term management refers to managing things or getting work done by other people. The term can also be used in three different ways; management as a discipline, as a process, as a group of people. Robbins and Coulter (2007) defines management as the art of getting work done by others, through coordinating and overseeing the work of other to complete effectively and efficiently. Ducker (1974 cited in Stoner) argued that the process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the work of organization employees and resources towards achieving organizational goals is management. Cortada and Woods (2001 cited in Ducker) asserted the most important role of management in 21st century is to increase and enhance productivity through increasing knowledge among worker.

Management is (Cortada and Woods, 2001) a process of applying creative and systematic flow of knowledge to produce a result through utilizing skills of human as well as using other resources in an effective manner that could effectively contribute in enhancing performance and productivity of an organization. It further argues that management cannot be limited to human resources as it is one part of management, whereas; there are various branches of management exist in the present world like financial management, strategic management, operations management, time management, crisis management, marketing management along with others.

Current Trends of Industry

At present, there is intense competition between organizations to be number one, which increase the need for effective management like (www.changingminds.org) stressing on the need for effective management elucidates that it helps people and organization to improve and increase their own efficiency and effectiveness. She states that it is crucial for organizations to manage properly, their activities as this will determine the success or failure of their business (Beitler, 2005).

Tesco Plc is one of the examples, which by applying effective management has achieved great success. Tesco, the largest retail chain of UK and third largest chain in the world employing around 440,000 people in 13 markets with around 280,000 in the UK. On an average over 30 million people visit Tesco throughout the world every week. Tesco is one of such organizations that have given tremendous attention to its strategies to cope with all kind of challenges and to obtain competitive advantage. One of its unique features is its management module. Tesco has placed immense attention at it management module so that everything can be managed smoothly.

The profit of Tesco has soared to 20% during last year, which takes them, set a record in UK business by acquiring 2 billion. The company takes almost one of every three pounds spent in a supermarket, and more than one of every eight pounds spent on the High Street. The supermarket chain is Britain's biggest private employer with nearly 260,000 staff.

Tesco's strategy for managing human resource of the organization revolve around challenging ...
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