Effective Hand Hygiene

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Effective Hand Hygiene

Effective Hand Hygiene

Identification and rationale for the research proposal

The main rationale behind this research proposal is to make an analysis that is it necessary for the nurses to take proper measures to ensure the effective hand hygiene. Hand hygiene is a very important factor in health improvement. It is said that a person can spend a healthy life if his hands are clean and safe from any unhygienic thing. Hand hygiene is the basis, the key to the fight against infection. One omission is enough to break the chain of prevention and infection (Bowling, 2009, p. 23). Helping staff to remember this is simple but essential? In Israel, a computer specialist has developed Efrat Raichman Hyginex, an innovative technology system to improve hygiene in hospitals.

If everyone (doctors, nurses, nurses or cafeteria staff) used this solution, it would ensure the highest health standards. There are many researches on the hand hygiene, and many researches have written different articles on the effective hand hygiene. Hand hygiene is the most important measure against infection in hospitals (Smith, 2004, p. 8). On May 5, 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) is sending a warning to world attention on the importance of hand hygiene in hospitals (Rafferty, 2002, p. 9). Infections due to lack of hand hygiene is an important issue a nurse faces when he goes to patient safety. From this point, of view, each initiative to promote hand hygiene should be supported. On 5, May, the World Health Organization launched the campaign for better hand hygiene. Each person working in the health care, managers, institutions and organizations around the world is invited to promote better hand hygiene. In this way, infections due to poor hand hygiene could be saved (Polit, 2006, p. 5). This program has already caused many people and organizations to participate, the Ministries of Health from 124 countries agreed to collaborate to lower infection due to poor hand hygiene and support the efforts of WHO (Parahoo, 2006, p. 34).

The risk of acquiring a hospital infection is related firstly to the patient during his hospitalization also the quality of medical treatment. Patients with a weakened immune system, for example, following an enduring diabetes, a disease of the lungs due to smoking or a serious accident with multiple injuries have a much higher risk of infection than patients young and health (Kumar, 2005, p. 12).

At the hospital, the risk of infection is mainly due to the need and the quality of surgical or other invasive care, such as urinary catheterization, central venous access or artificial respiration. During these interventions and outside the precision of gesture, hand hygiene plays a vital role in preventing infections.

The author states that Humans are normally settled in various parts of the body by various bacteria and fungi (Holloway, 2002, p. 67). On the forearm, that is about 10,000 germs on the scalp one million per cm 2 in the intestine, and this value is further ...
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