Educational Decolonization

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Decolonization of Educational Process's Conceptualism among Aboriginal People

Table of Contents


Problem Statement2

Research Questions2

Literature Review2

Understanding the “Decolonization” of Educational Conceptualism4

Education of the Aboriginal People7

Native Training Institute11

Sustaining Decolonized 'Aboriginal culture'13

Futuristic Directions for Decolonization of Aboriginal Education15

Rationale of Enquiry17

Research Methodology18


Decolonization of Educational Process's Conceptualism among Aboriginal People


This study will look into the concept and trends associated with the decolonization of education process's conceptualism among the aboriginal people. This study will throw light on the theoretical and practical concepts related to the phenomenon where education was decolonized to encompass the greater qualities of aboriginal education process. In the broader context, this study will help recognize the effectiveness and advantages to decolonize the education process along with its underpinning concepts to enhance the education for the aboriginal people (Smith, 1999). The researcher will study the context in substantial detail, highlighting the major issues related to the decolonization of education processes in the aboriginal societies, disclosing new information and research orientation. This qualitative study is based on gathering insights for the event and relating it to the ongoing practices.

At the end of the twentieth e century, the indigenous people assert their right to autonomy, and self-management of their ancestral territories through the revaluation of their languages ??and cultures. This is a movement of deep meaning, by which knowledge is reaffirmed, knowledge and indigenous learning styles. This fact becomes very important in many parts of the world. Education is the vehicle through which all requests are channeled with an approach bilingual and intercultural in Africa, Asia, Oceania, America Latin and North America. The nature of aboriginal education includes some perspectives that are not currently observed in the modern, Western educational spheres. This is to say that this education tends to focus on the spiritual side of human intellect, where knowing about “one's own self” is as important as it is to acquire worldly knowledge (Savino, Schumacher, 1992).

Problem Statement

Decolonizing education must also speak of aboriginal intra-multiculturalism, community education and productivity in correspondence with the transformation in education process conceptualism.

Research Questions

This study will answer the following research questions that will direct the flow of this research in the broader context:

What advantages can be incorporated in the education process if it is decolonized?

How does aboriginal education process contradict from other education systems?

How does decolonization transform various concepts of education, leading it to new paradigms?

How does decolonization of education conceptualism affect other societies apart from creating benefits to the aboriginal students and indigenous people?

Literature Review  

In the context of Latin America, the central question that animates our discussion here is how to imagine an education appropriate asked indigenous peoples, based on an intercultural approach (Saskatchewan, 2010). The education appropriate means of programs planned and implemented jointly with the Indians, according to their interests and from associations and indigenous federations, to enable them to strengthen their identities and give them the status of subjects of their own history, what they were so long deprived. Currently, in most countries where these people live, educational institutions of formal ...
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