Education Studies

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Introduction to Education Studies

Introduction to Education Studies


My earliest recollection of formal education was when…I was in kindergarten, which was the first time I have been in such an environment with so many other children of my age. We were taught in a very organized manner, we were given some class work activities and work that needed to be done at home. I remember that I used to enjoy going to my classroom everyday and pretty much got used to the atmosphere, I didn't cry, didn't miss my mom, I was a happy student.

Significant Moments

A particularly significant event was…When I was rewarded with a golden star and my teachers told my parents that I was a brilliant student. It was mainly because I was prepared to learn, my mom had equipped me to the learning phase at home.

Yes I have to admit this. I had faced quite a rough time when I was at school particularly because I was a fat child. The school uniform was a green checked dress, it had a belt too but I didn't wear it. It used to pop open whenever I moved. And because of this, I was always teased. It was an extremely terrifying time of my life. I wasn't able to concentrate on my studies and always wished to escape from school. I couldn't tell my parents why I didn't want to go to school anymore, being a brilliant student in my childhood would definitely bring disappointment to them so I didn't say anything and continued being emotionally traumatized. My self- esteem went low.

Educational Element's of the School System

A major purpose of this book is the hope of increasing the once interrupted interchange between scholars of the State and the School, who are what one denomination, refers to as its "temporarily separated brethren." One difficulty of this translation task is that the educational researcher and the educational scholar each possess different degrees of knowledge about the other's field. To stop to explain or define every technical concept or methodology known in one field so the other could grasp it would bore the initiated, and so we could wend our way through the book boring each discipline. Instead, we have sought to keep the technical language to a minimum while maintaining the rich concepts the language symbolizes. We know that we have not been fully successful in this effort, but as with advertising programs, we can't be sure which portion is wasted. Readers, we suspect, will let us know. However, we have provided a full set of bibliographic notes as part of this translation effort. This is designed to provide the student new to the cited topic a start on the literature relevant and valuable for his further understanding.

We have tried to curb the tendency to overstress the wide-open research possibilities in the politics of education. We have deleted many statements to the effect that "more research is badly needed here," because, frankly, they were ...
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