Education On Dietary Habits

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Education on Dietary Habits

Education on Dietary Habits

Definition Of EBP

The World Health Organization has stated that since 1990, more people worldwide have died from coronary heart disease (CHD) than any other cause [1]. In addition, it was reported that 80% to 90% of people who die from coronary heart disease had one or more major risk factors associated with lifestyle.

In the UK, more than 90,000 deaths annually are due to coronary heart disease, and although mortality rates are declining are still among the highest in western Europe [2].


Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) programs began in the 1960's when the benefits of mobilization and physical activity (PA), after lengthy hospital stays for coronary heart disease was released [3]. Since then, secondary prevention has become an essential aspect of care for patients with coronary disease [4]. Research has shown that lifestyle changes, including PA, a healthy diet and quit smoking alters the course of coronary artery disease [5-7], so that disease prevention measures are designed to focus on a number of lifestyle factors. Indeed, cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention programs have evolved from focusing on exercise alone to become multidisciplinary baseline assessments and includes patient, nutritional counseling, control of risk factors (ie, lipids, hypertension , weight, diabetes and smoking), psychosocial and vocational guidance and counseling and training PA, as well as the appropriate use of cardioprotective drugs [4].

Sources Of Evidence

Multidisciplinary measures advocated by governments around the world, and the United Kingdom, the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) provides a set of guidelines in 2007 for the care of patients who had suffered a myocardial infarction (MI ) [8]. The guidelines covered secondary prevention in primary and secondary care and does not focus solely on lifestyle. They did, however, incorporate PA, diet, smoking, and drug treatment and were based on systematic reviews of the best available evidence. Priority recommendations, considers the most significant effect on patient care and outcomes, including discharge of each patient had an MI should have a confirmed diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction, the results of investigations, future plans management, and advice on secondary prevention.

Question Formulation

In addition, NICE stressed the importance of advice being given regarding regular PA in the form of 20-30 minutes of exercise per day to the point of slight breathlessness. Patients should also be advised to stop smoking, eat a Mediterranean-style diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables and fish, and follow a treatment regimen with a combination of ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme) inhibitors, aspirin, beta blockers and statins.

Stages Of EBP

However, despite the evidence that lifestyle changes to achieve better results positive, the results of a series of secondary prevention efforts have been disappointing. In a systematic review of secondary prevention programs multidisciplinary McAlister et al. [9] reported that although some beneficial effects were achieved in the processes of care, morbidity and mortality, questions remained regarding the duration and frequency of interventions and the best combination of disciplines within an intervention.

The EUROASPIRE (European Action on Primary and Secondary Prevention of intervention to reduce events) ...
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