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Structure Of The Education In The U.K

Structure Of The Education In The U.K


This assignment is about studing the structure of early education of two different countries,studing their early year care and education philosophy and practice and then comparing and contrasting it with early year's education and care in England. We will put in some of our reflections and any examples from our own experience.


Compare and contrast

Structure Of Early Years Education In The U.K

In Britain, the children begin to learn in school much earlier usually from 4 years of age, and in some cases at a younger age. From 5 years, education in UK for all children is compulsory. In these preparatory years students study mathematics and English language, the data subjects which they learn are geography, history, music, art (Cleveland & Krashinsky, 2005).

Plowden Report

In England in 1967, the Plowden Report was proposed to provide additional resources to schools with disadvantaged children. The Plowden report published in 1967, confirms the development of a student-centered approach. It is the derivation of Educational Priority Areas (EPA). Originally, the EPA are based on primary schools, and then extended to establishments on the basis of various indicators:

Parental occupation,

The size of the family,

Benefits or aid received from the State


Absenteeism at school

The rate of children with disabilities or delayed

The number of single parent families,

The number of children who do not speak English.

In 1968, 572 schools in 150,000 students receive additional funds for specific actions such as:

the creation or expansion of resource centers,

training courses for teachers,

English courses for migrants

counseling centers for families.

The Rumbold Report

Kate Rumbold, says "enjoy reading is more important to educational success children than the socioeconomic status of the family”. Reading puts us in the world of the understanding and use of language, which is the most powerful instrument of thought.There are no separate cognitive processes of language, for all other operations and activities are conducted through it, and that crosses all areas teaches you to make analogies and logical relationships, which are useful in all instances. This is the domain of language that allows us to understand everyone else (Herb & Willoughby-Herb, 2001).

Cambridge Review On Early Years

Cambridge Primary Review report is based on 28 studies, and includes 1,052 proposals, prepared by 66 researchers and an advisory committee. Researchers gave the attention to the fact that there is no evidence that would show that early school education, or to start formal education at the age of 5 brings benefits for children. On the contrary, the introduction of 5-year children's formal structure and discipline within the classroom, may even be harmful for them.

The report recommends that children under six years of age can learn in a less formal manner. The researchers noted that in Finland, Germany and Sweden, children start college at the age of seven years. In France, they go to school six years old. Meanwhile, in the UK there is compulsory education from the age of five, and it happens that some of the children are sent on ...
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