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Demand Management & Forecasting

The objective of Demand Management is to optimize and rationalize the use of IT resources. Although demand management should be part of the routine activities of the Capacity Management This is particularly relevant when there are capacity problems in the IT infrastructure. The origins of the problems that demand management should address the short term include:

Degradation of service for unexpected increases in demand.

Partial service interruptions hardware or software.

Demand Management is responsible in these cases to redistribute the ability to ensure that critical services are not affected or at least, are as little as possible. To carry out this task efficiently is essential that the Capacity Management knows the customer's business priorities and can act accordingly, but an equally important task is the Demand Management in the medium and long term. A capacity increase always entails costs which are often unnecessary. Proper monitoring capability allows us to recognize weaknesses or IT infrastructure bottlenecks and assess possible long-term redistribution of the workload which would give a quality service with no increase in capacity.

For example, an incorrect distribution of tasks can cause the bandwidth contracted by the organization shows insufficient at peak times because they are sending thousands of emails associated with automatic processes (such as promotional marketing campaigns, customer performance reports , etc.). In most cases these processes can be moved off-peak without degrading the quality of service, saving the organization a heavy expansion of bandwidth.

Now if the added cost to increase the bandwidth is marginal, it may be more efficient direct recruitment to invest the precious (and expensive) time highly specialized in the optimization. The Capacity Management should assess a priori, based on experience and market trends, when the solution "more powerful, larger" is more profitable (taking into account indirect costs) that a detailed analysis of the situation.

Make demand forecast is one of the most important tasks in marketing a product or service. The forecast must be made during the planning process and it determines the goals and objectives of a company in relation to income, costs and estimated earnings.

A successful outcome will depend on the life of any company is giving effect to an individual or a large corporation. There are countless ways suggested by the writers to make predictions. Keep in mind that all forecasts are essentially the utterance of a mere possibility. It does not mean, however sophisticated the method used, the behavior of a market adjustment to the forecast statement. It is simply the most viable alternative is found, after making a series of arguments based on intuition, consultation with various people, experience and expert judgment, among other things. It is important to remember that is not the same make forecasts in economies with stable rules of the game, such as U.S. and European Community countries, which in our countries of Latin America, are permanently changing conditions and very little stability.

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