Economic Freedom

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Economic Freedom

Economic Freedom


There are different theories about economic freedom. One theory focuses on the policy which promotes free transfer of goods and property. This is also referred as free market or free trade. While another theory suggests that it belongs to the welfare economics. Welfare economics is an extended version of study of individual demands. Some theorists also refer economic freedom as a process of collective bargaining between the countries. Here we will discuss the pros and cons of economic freedom and how the demands will favor the people and the economy and what can be the potential threats of that particular demand on the behavior of individuals and economy of U.S.


The demands which will be discussed in this debate are guaranteed living wage income regardless of employment free college education & open border migration. Starting with guaranteeing of living wage income regardless of employment, the benefits which are attached to this demand are that people who are employed but are not able to meet their necessities end will be able to spend their life without any problem. It will help to control the crime rate. If a person is not able to meet his or her expenses with the income he or she is getting he or she start to committing crime to meet his / her needs. If the government will provide living wage income to all people it will also help them to concentrate on their work too. To counter the argument it can be said that though living wage income will help the labor to get minimum wages and necessities to live his / her life people will still have the greed for more money and facilities. There is a possibility that crime rate will not effected by accepting the demand and providing labor with minimum ...
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