People commit economic crimes because of society's declining ethical standards more than any economic need. According to professionals, gender is the only bias. The profile of today's non-professional thieves crosses all rushes, age assemblies and financial strata.
Economic criminals tend to be relatively honest and in a position of trust: few would do anything to harm another human, and most do not consider their crime to be truly dishonest. Most are males: women have tended to be accomplices, though of late they are evolving more aggressive. Economic Criminals tend to usually be 'between the ages of 27-54, they are usually bright, eager, motivated, adventuresome, and willing to accept technical challenges. 'It is tempting to liken economic criminals to other criminals, ascribing characteristics somehow different from 'Normal' individuals, but that is not the case. It is believed that the economic criminal 'often marches to the same drum as the potential victim but follows and unanticipated path. There is no actual profile of a economic criminal because they range from young teens to elders, from black to white, from short to tall. (Sharp, B. 2008)
Definitions of economic crime has changed over the years as the users and misusers of economics have expanded into new areas.
When economics were first introduced into businesses, economic crime was defined simply as a form of white-collar crime committed inside a economic system. 'Trojan Horse is a hidden code put into a economic program. reasoning blasting devices are implanted so that the perpetrator doesn't have to bodily present himself or herself. Another form of a hidden cipher is 'salamis.' It came from the large-scale salami loaves traded in delis years ago. Often persons would take little portions of bites that were taken out of them and then they were secretly returned to the ledges in the ...