Ecological Ethical Issues

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ecological ethical issues

Environmental ethical issues


This is a very contradictory question as it can lead to completely different opinions among people. Some people consider that the fundamentals of an American life are more important whereas others would say that protection of the natural environment is more important. For example, use of pesticides are harmful for the consumers of the vegetables, crops sprayed with these chemicals, however, use of pesticides means wealth for the shareholders of these companies, job for the company workers, income for the farmers. Rachel Carson, had argued in her book that whether the present profits of the industry and the current low prices in the vegetable aisle or the future of the birds more important? In recent years regulations have been adopted in America to curb economic freedom in order to guard the environment. Now everyone is educated and people are becoming more and more knowledgeable about ecology and so have the regulations and thereby objections have also increased against such regulations. Since America itself was founded on freedom, all this regulations irritates many people.

Many managers face dilemma while determining the ethical standards to apply to environmental issues. The numerous stakeholders to whom managers should response tend to outlook ecological matters rather differently. Multinational companies often meet attitudes toward ecological protection in other countries that are rather distinct from those discovered in their household market. business principle manufacturers should address the nationwide dissimilarities in values when determining ethically acceptable behavior.

The government should find ways in which both humans can live harmoniously in nature and can earn profitability as well. In the following analysis the two contradictory factors are whether the environment will improve and the economy will suffer due to the stringent environmental restrictions OR whether there is an environmental crisis and that the “brownlash” opponents of environmentalism are peddling worthless ideas in the face of facts.

Legislators should focus on how to conserve and efficiently use the natural resources.

Candidates should also point out that some of the regulations set up by the government to improve the environment has created conflicts with the basic economic freedoms of the people.

Environmental objectives can be achieved better by capitalizing on the incentives associated with owning property.

ecological scientists Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich, whose 1974 book The End of Affluence first outlined the penalties of ecological misconduct, contend that many objections to environmental protections are self-serving and founded on awful or misused research.

Paul R. Ehrlich and Anne H. Ehrlich have mentioned that the attempts to minimize the seriousness of environmental problems are called the brownlash because they help to fuel a backlash against “green” policies. Brownlash is not at all a synchronized effort but it is generated by a diversity of organizations and individuals. These individuals include writers and public figures, who have brought the notion that environmental regulation has become harsh and needs to be reduced.

People focus more on the immediate environmental problems rather than on the deterioration of the natural ecosystems upon whose continued functioning global civilization ...
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