Eating Disorders

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Effects of Eating Disorders on Development of Adolescent


The paper will study about the effects of eating disorder on the development of adolescent. In this paper we have analyzed the psychological factors that affects the development of adolescent form this disease. The paper will also emphasize on the programs for the prevention of eating disorders that protect adolescents in the development of these disorders. We will discuss different types of eating disorders and suggest ways to overcome them. Finally, we will determine the safety of programs to prevent eating disorders in terms of possible adverse effects on mental or physical health of adolescents.

Table of Contents



Increasing Effects of Eating Disorders5


Etiological Factors in the Development7

Eating disorder Effects in Development of Adolescent and the Ways to overcome them8

Anorexia Nervosa8


Binge Eating Disorder10

Methods of Treatment10

Anorexia Nervosa11


Binge Eating Disorder13

Sources to obtain Care14


Reflection Paper15


Effects Of Eating Disorders On Development Of Adolescent


Adolescent is the most exciting yet critical stage in an individual's life. It leads to many changes in the life style and thinking of the people. While this age is memorable, adventurous, and thrilling it can lead to certain permanent problems with respect to the health. This particular life stage reveals many realities to the individual as he/she discovers who they are and try to live independently. Entering into the age of puberty can itself be overwhelming and sometimes, confusing. Eating Disorders are one of the most common and long lasting troubles that are associated with the adolescent. People adhere to binge eating habits which also is a common form of eating disorder among the adolescent of U.S. Eating disorders are serious problems that can be life threatening. They need to be treated most seriously as soon as they are diagnosed. Heart attacks, kidney failure, low blood pressure, anemia, fainting, depression, dehydration, dizziness, constipation, osteoporosis, infertility and heartburn are few of the health problems resulting from eating disorders. In this paper we will determine whether programs to prevent eating disorders are effective in promoting healthy attitudes towards food in adolescents. We will also emphasize on whether programs for the prevention of eating disorders are effective in promoting psychological factors that protect adolescents in the development of these disorders. We will discuss different types of eating disorders involving today's adolescent and suggest ways to overcome them. Finally, we will determine the safety of programs to prevent eating disorders in terms of possible adverse effects on mental or physical health of adolescents.


The environment of the household is critical for a youngster to develop eating disorders. If there are strained relationships within the realms of their homes, or if any of the members face physical or sexual abuse; eating disorder is easy to develop. In this case, eating disorder is developed as a consequence of pressures that may be faced. The teen may think of it as a way to vent out painful emotions, to gain control over oneself, and to abuse one. In such a situation, the teenager feels insecure, sad and depressed and takes on eating as ...
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