Eating Disorders

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Eating Disorders, Psychological or Chemical Issue

Eating Disorders, Psychological or Chemical Issue


Body image is almost an obsession in our society. The proof at any time, 70% of women and 35% of men are on a diet. More disturbing are the results of a survey conducted by Statistics Canada in1993. This revealed that between 1 and 2% of women aged 15 to 25 have anorexia and between 3 and 5% are bulimic. The mortality rate associated with eating disorders is higher than any other mental illness, while between 10 and 20% succumb sooner or later because of complications. These states constitute a mortal danger and it is clear that their prevalence is increasing. Although they are well known, the eating disorders do not really food. They are rather a means to address the deeper problems that a person is too painful or difficult to confront directly. They act in complex states who report difficulties with identity, self-concept and self-esteem. The eating disorders cross cultural boundaries, racial and socio-economic, and affect men and women.

Some chemicals in the brain predispose certain individuals to suffer anxiety, perfectionism, compulsive behaviors and thoughts, these people are more vulnerable to eating disorders. People with eating disorders tend to have unrealistic expectations of themselves and of others, despite being successful they feel incapable, incompetent, has no sense of identity, so try to take control of your life and often focus on physical appearance for that control. People with families overprotective, inflexible and inefficient to solve problems tend to develop these disorders. They often do not show their feelings and have great expectations of success, children learn not to show their feelings, anxieties, doubts and take control by the weight and food. The media associated with good physical beauty and evil with physical imperfection. Those popular, successful, intelligent, admired, are people with the perfect body, and people who are not thin and beautiful are associated with failure.


The eating disorders are sometimes difficult to detect. The way the media glamourization the so-called ideal body, and the idea that being in the scheme is quite normal, may mask the problems that a person experiences in food. People with eating disorders can be difficult to admit they have a problem (Wagner, 2007). How to come to their aid can also present challenges. Treatments are available - the process can sometimes take time, but it is possible to overcome an eating disorder. If you or someone you know think you have an eating disorder, it is important to first know the facts. Come to understand these states is a first step towards recovery.

When a person suffers from an eating disorder, his life is mainly centered on its weight. She constantly worries about the calories, of fat content, by exercising and weight, allowing it to offset the painful emotions or situations that are at the heart of the problem and gives a false sense of being self-controlled. He is not here a single cause. An eating disorder is usually caused by a combination of factors ...
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