[Earthquake-resistant buildings and human behaviour in regard to earthquake disasters in Japan]
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Chapter 1: Introduction of background over outstanding historical articles in relation to Earthquake in Japan
Background of the Study
Earthquakes are one of the major geological events. Earthquakes involve the travel of elastic, or seismic, waves of energy through the Earth's rigid crust. They result from the sudden liberation of accumulated stress and strain along faults, which are planar discontinuities in the crust. Around the world, more than 3,000 seismic events occur each year, but few of them are damaging or lethal. However, when major earthquakes occur in highly populated areas, they can cause major destruction and death tolls in the thousands. Each year between 7 and 20 earthquakes cause deaths and injuries. Tens more cause damage to buildings and structures. The worst effects occur where high concentrations of population coincide with powerful seismicity, for example, in China, Indonesia, Iran, Afghanistan, and Japan. The January 2010 earthquake in Haiti killed more than 200,000 people (Dyke, 2006, pp.146).
Eurasian Plate forms a boundry of japan. A subduction zone is created where these plates meet. It is also the place where one plate slides effectively on other. Alongside these zones, slow and heavy earthwuake happen. It is because, the plates meets and rub on each other at this point. Philippine Sea Plate is located under Euraisan plate at the point known as Kobe (see picture below).
Problem Statement
Designing earthquake-resistant structures are needed. It is imperative that structures are designed to resist earthquake forces, in order to reduce loss of life. Science of earthquake engineering and structural design has improved, and thus, today, we can design a safe structure that can safely withstand earthquake reasonable values. The most destructive earthquake of all hazards caused by seismic waves reaching the earth's surface in places where human built structures such as buildings and bridges are located. When seismic waves reach the surface of the earth in places they lead to what is known as a strong movement of the earth. Majority of the earthquakes cause deaths, injuries and economic losses. Tens more cause damage to buildings and structures. The worst effects occur where high concentrations of population coincide with powerful seismicity.
Most of the deaths, injuries, injuries and economic losses caused by the earthquake as a result of ground motion acting on buildings and other structures man not able to withstand such movements.
Purpose of the Study
The aim of this paper is to examine the earthquake resistant design that is a construction system in architecture and interior design technology that guarantee ...