This section will analyse the results of the survey conducted and presented in the table below. From the table it can be seen that the 45% of the respondents in the survey regard quality of service as good whereas 33% think it as excellent.
Majority of the respondents (49%) in the sample think that generally they get the services they want whereas majority of the respondents think that the most of the needs were met (42%). 49% of the respondents think that they generally will recommend the program to the friends whereas 30% definitely will recommend the program to the friends.
Regarding satisfaction with the help, it was observed that the majority of the respondents are satisfied with the help whereas 30% of the respondents are very satisfied with the help.
43% of the respondents in the sample think that the services people have somewhat helped whereas 35% of the respondents think that they were helped a great deal by the services people. Majority of the respondents are mostly satisfied with the whereas 34% are very satisfied with the overall service provided. It was observed from the results given below that 39% of the respondents think that the they definetely will return to the program if help is needed whereas 37% think that they generally will return to the program if help is needed.
Table 3
Descriptive Statistics for the Participants' Satisfaction
Variable n %
Quality of Services
Good 5145.1
Poor 4 3.5
Got the Services Wanted
No, definitely not 3 2.7
No, not really2017.7
Yes, generally5548.7
Yes, definitely3531.0
Extent to Which Needs Were Met
Almost all needs were met2723.9
Most of needs were met4741.6
Only a few needs were met3329.2
None of needs were met 6 5.3
Recommend Program to Friend
No, definitely not 3 2.7
No, not really2219.5
Yes, generally5447.8
Yes, definitely3430.1
Satisfaction with Help
Quite Dissatisfied 6 5.3
Indifferent/Mildly Dissatisfied2421.2
Mostly Satisfied4943.4
Very Satisfied3430.1
Services Help You Deal with Problems
Yes, they have helped a great deal3934.5
Yes, they helped somewhat4842.5
No, they really didn't help1916.8
No, they seemed to make things worse 7 6.2
Overall Satisfaction
Very Satisfied3833.9
Mostly Satisfied4641.1
Indifferent/Mildly Dissatisfied2320.5
Quite Dissatisfied 5 4.5
Return to Program if Help is Needed
No, definitely not 4 3.5
No, not really2320.4
Yes, generally4237.2
Yes, definitely4438.9
Research Question 1. Is there a statistically significant difference on the participants' overall satisfaction with the therapy sessions by group (face-to-face vs. e-therapy) and gender (female vs. male)?
H0: There will be no statistically significant difference on overall satisfaction with the therapy sessions by group (face-to-face vs. e-therapy) and gender (female vs. male).
A two-way between-subjects factorial ANOVA (analysis of variance) was conducted to determine if there were significant differences on overall satisfaction by group and gender. The ANOVA was utilized to assess the group and gender main effects, as well as the group X gender interaction term. The combination group was removed from the analysis because there were only 5 valid cases in that group. The dependent variable (satisfaction) was created by computing an additive composite score from the 8 questions on ...