Dynamically Managing Residual Risk

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Dynamically Managing Residual Risk

Dynamically Managing Residual Risk


Companies have become increasingly dependent on the correct operation of their information and communication systems. These systems are “outpacing material goods as the main source of economic value in post-industrial economies” according to Tillquist and Rodgers. While business environments become more complex and volatile, losses increase because of mismanagement of (information) security and because of companies failing to perform effective risk management. Even though around the year 2002 figures seemed to indicate that information security was growing more mature, the latest figures indicate that this assumption was excessively premature by also showing increased losses. A recently published risk management survey by Deloitte & Touch LLP. Underlines this trend toward a strategic approach to risk management. The survey shows that the industry (financially in this case) is alert to this need for better risk management, but is still struggling to get a good grip on risk issues and processes.

Figure 1.1: Deloitte & Touche Survey Result

ATOM Methodology

ATOM is our project implementation methodology that we apply with our clients in order to achieve the expected results. Our methodology has been developed over more than thirty years we have been implementing solutions for supply chain in various industries worldwide. Atom designed to identify the tasks, giving them the appropriate priority, and help teams to work quickly. ATOM TM helps reduce project risk and accelerate implementation of the solution to keep teams aligned from the beginning and identify cross-dependencies.

Used in each project a common approach, which from beginning to end, is focused on optimizing our clients' objectives? We have the only methodology for implementing solutions focused on supply chain performance. This methodology is integrated into our products, project plans, implementation tools and training of our employees. Although each project is different, our Project Manager will follow this methodology to control and guide our team to our client. ATOM TM is solutions, not software.

We help our clients plan the project to meet its objectives. The key is proper planning of roles and objectives of the project and increase the responsibility of each team member in their work. Even the simplest implementations can be associated with a significant change in the business of our customers. Our methodology will help us manage that change together. Success comes when you follow an efficient way, not taking shortcuts.

Our methodology helps you:

1. Reduce the risk

2. Run the project on time and within budget

3. Getting the desired results.

Phases of the Methodology ATOM

Assess (evaluate)

Assessing the current environment, processes and objectives to determine the necessary changes. The goal is an exchange of knowledge and understands how to integrate the solution with the client's business processes.

Transform (Transform)

Transformation of the environment, processes and systems to achieve the defined objectives.


Ensure that the client computer takes ownership of the solution through its participation in the project, testing and training. This stage ends with the boot.

Measure (Measure)

Apply metrics to assess project success and continuously monitor results to ensure that the solution reaches the defined ...
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