Duty Of Care

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Employer's Duty of Care

[Name of the Instructor]

Employer's Duty of Care

Define if Jake's actions comply with the scope of his employment or not

Viewing the episode it can be said that Jake's actions were in compliance with the scope of his employment. It is the responsibility of a service manager to be responsible to ensuring there are no backlogs in service on offer. Jake is also responsible for smooth running of departmental activities and should not have complained about the management making him work long hours. Jake should ensure that all the operations of his department are running in an orderly manner and their no disruptions in the flow of work. These disruptions in operations can impact Herman's organizational objectives and force the company to invest more time in making sure deadlines are met. Thought it is true that Jake has been working long hours, there is no room to blame his age for the disruptions and stoppages at work. As an incumbent of a managerial designation, Jake should be more alert and agile in his work since he also holds certification in his field of work. The point in favor of Jake is that his medical condition could be a hindrance in his work. Having said that, Jake has not right to blame his superior for his current physical condition and he should be more careful in matters of health. Serving at a managerial post requires Jake to lead by example and mentor his juniors to ensure high performance. By entering an argument with Herman, Jake has set a negative example for his subordinates to follow (Weir, 1992).

In addition to this, Jake is wrong in asking for overtime compensation since managers should not manifest such unprofessional attitude. The responsibilities of service cars by oil change lies well within the scope of Jake's responsibility as an employee. Jake should look to involve Herman in productive issues such as asking for extra help for the additional work at hand to reduce the time it is currently taking to service cars. This would be a more positive response as Herman launched the service without discussing it with Jake. Jake can also put forward the option of defining a method through with the amount of work put can be gauged. This system could then be connection with the compensation workers receive. Jake should also work in tandem with Herman and devise a method of handling sporadic additional work loads. This has to be through a managerial approach and not a union approach. Jake should collaboratively work with Herman on the roles and responsibilities for himself and his staff, in order to align positions and responsibilities. Alternately, Jake can discuss with Herman on his comfort level with his new responsibilities and position, and decide on how to handle tasks arising out of Herman's desire for new strategies for growing his business. Jake with his experience should be able to support Herman in his new vision and strategies rather than take a confrontationist ...
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