ClubBooks is planning to begin trading using internet services. This will help them in conducting business, and maintaining records efficiently. The club is considering using Dynamic Systems Development Methods (DSDM) for developing the software infrastructure of the new online system. This paper discusses this development method along with the associated advantages, disadvantages; it may pose for the company.
Current Issues in the Information System of ClubBooks
ClubBooks is the large, successful book club. The club comprises of seven business divisions that execute the tasks of purchasing books, advertising the club facilities, providing customer services, maintaining warehouse records, order booking and delivery, and accounts management. Majority of the business processes at the club executes relying on the manual information systems, or stand alone computer systems without intranet or internet connectivity, which makes it problematic for the company to manage the members' data and payment records. Thus, it has become necessary for the club to deploy the information system relying on advanced information and communication technologies. The authorities are already convinced that development of advanced information technology infrastructure remarkably helps the business in improving the performance and better management of the resources (Rainer R.K. & Turban E., 2008). The next section discusses the main concepts of the Dynamic Systems Development Methods.
Dynamic Systems Development Methods (DSDM)
DSDM is an organized development method used for the software development projects. This method has gained wide popularity over the past few years. This common-sense development process mainly focuses on delivering business solutions quickly and efficiently. This method comes under the umbrella of rapid development. Usually, the companies deploy this development method, when they wish to complete the development process within a pre specified or fixed time duration.
The method highly depends on the prototyping to provide the clear picture of the software, even before its development. Prototyping is the facility using which the team developers demonstrate the system functionality, before practically implementing the system. The prototyping strategy also helps the developers to determine the feasibility of the project throughout the development and implementation phases. The prototyping and fixed models of heterogeneous software components make it easy for the end users to test it before the final implementation of the software project.
The method calls as Dynamic development because continuous user feedback drives the entire development phase (Clifton M., and Dunlap J., 2003). It is one of the main prerequisites for the method that the project development team must be interactive with the current and future end users for the system. With this development method, the end users are able to recommend any changes during the various project development phases, which is uncommon in other development strategies. The development method also demands empowerment of the project team members and the prospective users of the software product.
This development method involves all employees and the prospective end users in the software development process, rather than just the development team. The more employees are involved in the development process, the easier is the implementation and change management ...