Drugs Its Affect On People And Society

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Drugs its Affect on People and Society

Drugs and Its Affect on People and Society


In this era, Drug is a serious social problem and has impact on the society especially on teenagers and youngsters have been harmed by this activity. This time we will discuss a topic quite recurrent in our society, drug use among young people, which significantly affects their emotional, intellectual, and physical and affects the family constitution. The fight against drug addiction and substance abuse are widely reported in print media. With a scientific approach to this phenomenon must be distinguished drug addiction as an illness and drug addiction as a negative social phenomenon. From this stem the various methods of data categories and the impact on them. Thus, we describe the causes of drugs and the effects they can produce in a young man.


It is considered that 60% of addicts come from dysfunctional or broken families and the remaining 40% began in the path of drugs for social change situational (crisis of social values, social violence, drug advertising influence, etc.)

Drug addiction and everything associated with it made ??a huge loss of money to those who are against, especially for states who must fight them in many ways at once. During the development of a teenager, there are varied problems or complications that induce drug use. Among these are family problems, social influences, curiosity and emotional problems. If we look more closely at the point of family problems, we can link to the isolation that exists today between parents and children, abandonment, to the paternal or maternal great absence that occurs when both parents must work, financial problems , school difficulties, poverty and so many others that deteriorate even more family relationships and leaves a child in full swing with a big gap, with great lack of affection, doubts, which make the young born the impression of not being heard or taken into account, which leads to drug use, a factor even more disturbing and destructive of the family (www.unodc.org).

With regard to social influences we can deduce that consistently affects the sense of belonging, being part of a particular group, being recognized by the "friends". The problem is that addicts are depressed and mental isolation, leading to poor school performance, truancy or dropout (in severe cases), poor communication with the people around them. Curiosity is normal for children, youth, adults, only that when young people try drugs out of curiosity but they liked it very expensive cost of having satisfied the curiosity, as the saying of grannies, "curiosity killed the cat "in this case curiosity can kill relationships, social, among others (www.incb.org).

Finally we find the emotional problems, where the school or family abuse, distrust of their parents or peers, misunderstanding, economic conflicts within the family, learning difficulties, which can lead to low self-esteem, depression, Young people can feel full of resentment, anger, shame. So look for ways to "escape" all these feelings, reaching the consumption of drugs, drug talk we are not referring only to illegal ...
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