Drugs In The School

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Drugs in the School


Usage of tobacco, alcohol, and other various dugs by students has been very problematic for nation, community, schools, and mainly patents. A troubling and new survey states that today drugs are more widely available and supplied in schools of our nation when compare with past years. According to data published by the UN report based on the Third National Survey of High School Students, states that drug usage in high schools grew by 8.1%. The country with the highest consumption of cannabis among young people is Chile followed by Uruguay and Colombia. 90% of the students say that their class fellows drink, smoke, and use other drugs (August, 55). One of my friend was heavy user of drugs when he was at school thus in this paper I am going to evaluate this serious issue of drug consumption in school along with the example of my friend.

Thesis statement

There is strong relationship between drug usage in students and dropouts, low educational aspiration, low rates of activities, high absenteeism, and poor academic performance.


Experimentation with drugs occurs by students most often in high school. Students at schools use drugs because of three main causes such as socio-affective which partly explain drug use by adolescents: the feeling of abandonment consecutive divorce, or associated with a disintegrating family, struggling to find meaning to his life and life in general will to transgression stronger than the forbidden, sometimes encouraged by an entourage too systematically hostile to the adolescent. Wish to join a group, reduce mental tension, drawing the attention of parents, are also frequent motivations of adolescents who will act to more easily search the benchmarks and identity difficult (Battistich, 66). Less young indeed has its own way of building benchmarks, the risks of drug use are great. Drug usage affect education, behavior, emotional state and most importantly their actions affects community and people around them which is ethically a wrong deed. Who are the children that use drugs? The simple answer may be: any. It may include all children faced with the temptation to use drugs despite their social status, presence in school, or other things. There is no obvious explanation for this but drug usage at schools affects students morally, academically and ethically. Research states that many students who are heavy users of drugs bunk school more than three day in a month and on average it is 6 times higher than students who do not use drugs (Eggert, 121). Drug using students are attractive to crime and misconduct that disrupt security and peace of the school. Students who use drugs not only convert school in drug distribution market but also destroy the property of the school which is morally wrong and unethical since it causes harm to people around them and school authorities.

Heavy drug using students create destructive learning environment. It was also noted that students using drugs have behavioral problems. Alcohol and other drugs may also be accompanied by some additional features of behavior. The settings ...
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