Drug Education

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Drug Education: Does it Prevent Drug Abuse

Drug Education: Does it Prevent Drug Abuse


Drug Education is another step to drug prevention. Drug education is more important here in the social environment, education presentations at schools, treating the area for teaching or presentations by students are on the agenda. Drug education for both parents and children is another step to drug prevention and a good place to begin. An enormous number of young people admit to being "stoned" in front of their parents, who didn't even realize it.

Parents should be alert for the clear and unmistakable warning signs of drug use. Generally speaking, persons addicted to narcotics might display the following symptoms: needle marks on arms or legs; red, watery eyes; small pupils in the eyes; furtive glances; chronic drowsiness; marked restlessness with body spasms and a tendency to walk fast; easily upset stomach; ulcerous sores on arms, legs and body; uncontrollable giddiness; a strong body odor; habitual scratching or rubbing of nose; frequent dizziness; noticeable mental and physical deterioration; depression and despondency; persecution complex; chronic sleepiness; loss of interest in school; inability to concentrate on studies; lack of interest in athletics or any other forms of exercise; irritability; telling of stupid lies; and refusal to talk because of pre-occupation with self.

A significant drug program should also be presented in the schools to the children themselves. The most effective weapon in keeping a young person from drug addiction is the security of a well-adjusted, rewarding home life with family ties made strong by love.

The following three suggestions are the most important preventive steps that parents can take:

Encourage your youngster to have positive goals in life. Give your child an intelligent appreciation for the dignity of labor so that he is prepared to make an respectable living. Teach him that life is a sacred trust and we must all answer for ourselves. When a young person is taught biblical goals, he will be less inclined to find the time or place to become involved with narcotics, alcohol, or other temptations.

Encourage your child to choose wholesome companions. Encourage him to bring his friends home for supervised activities. Guide him to the kinds of places where he will meet the sort of friends he would be proud to bring home with him.

Guide your youngster into the actual choice of free-time activities. Young people who are interested in school and who keep busy with extracurricular activities seldom get involved with the kind of people who might drag them into addiction.

Encourage your child to participate in music, athletics and club activities offered through your church or school or community. When he is old enough, and after school job will keep him occupied; provide money for future schooling, clothes for social life; and make him feel worthwhile, this will significantly add to his self-esteem.

In the final analysis, then, the answer to the usual drug problem lies within a strong family relationship where family members respect and love each other. Mutual respect gives different meaning to the home situation and offers an atmosphere which will help the child mature in a healthy environment. In addition, parents must set examples for their child in harmony with the standards they hold up as the ideal, thus offering ...
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