Drug Abuse

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Drug Abuse

Drug Abuse

Change of People's Actions While Taking Alcohol

This section will discuss my own observation when I saw a group of young boys at a club. They were having alcohol and as soon as they took a sip, they reacted differently. I observed the changes in their behavior when they got drunk and I am going to share that observation here.

They were six boys of around 17 or 18 years. They all were high school boys. There was one among them who did not want to have alcohol and he asked them to order juice for him. However, when the other five got their drinks, they started convincing him as well to take a sip. He refused to have it first but then he had one sip. His friends were behaving stupid when they forcedly tried to pour some drink into his mouth. They were shouting like animals. As soon as the sixth boy had a sip, firstly, his reaction was very weird as if he did not like it at all. Afterwards, he started liking it and was asking for more. As soon as they all had enough of their drinks, they started doing stupid and weird things. They lost their control on their senses while not being focused on anything and not thinking clearly or logically.

Two of the boys were forcefully trying to get a girl for dance. The girl refused to dance with them. Then one of the boys forcedly took her hand and started dance with her in a weird way. The girl was resisting and started crying while her friends came and take her away while they had some rough arguments with the boy.

Another boy threw the glass on the floor and then asked the waiter to come and clean up the stuff. Another boy called the waiter and shouted him so badly, and slapped him on his face. It was a sudden attack which stops everyone wherever they were to look around them. The waiter was shocked on what had happened to him. The manager came to the floor and then he called the police. Police came and arrest the boy who had slapped the waiter. He had to stay in lock-up for two days.

Therefore, in the end, by having this observation, I may say that people have to be careful while having alcohol. This may affect their life in a bad way as well. People met accidents while they are drunk. Sometimes they do such horrible things which they have to regret afterwards. Hence, in the first place, people should avoid drinking, or if they want to have it, they should not do it excessively and must have control on its usage.


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