Dred Scott V. Sandford

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Dred Scott v. Sandford


The paper openly discusses the background of the case of Dred Scott and the decision it entailed. Furthermore, the paper discusses the implications of the decision. Intense light has been shed over the controversy which the case entails along with the personal opinion, as though why this decision was wrong.

Dred Scott v. Sandford

Thesis Statement

The opinion of the court in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case was, and remains very controversial as debate continues, not over the decision being wrong, but rather why it was wrong.


A lot has changed ever since the world has been created, let it be the dynamics of the societies, the technological domain, advancements attained and much more, but what has not changed up till now is the execution of crimes, and rendering and demand of justice and fairness.

However, all along the way, the fashions of giving justice have definitely been changed. Gradually as, the world progressed towards modernization and advancement, when proper civilization stared to take form, then the mankind devised numerous laws and rules, in accordance to their respective society, which would grant justice and law and order in the region.

However, there had been numerous instances, when the powers or authorities that are chosen and are bound to declare justice and fairness eventually make the wrong decision, and the culprit who was supposed to face the consequences of his evil actions, is set free. There can be numerous implications for such an instance to take place; at times, the authority is so blinded by the convincing evidences and proofs that are brought in front of them, that they place their conviction in wrong claims. Whereas, most of the times, the wrong decision is deliberate, and there does exist a strong ground for such an execution.

Brief History of the Case

It is a renowned fact that this case is surrounded by indefinite controversy, and successfully managed to gain and spark extreme criticism. Although the significance of the case in the current era is rather negligible, yet it continues to entail historical, as well as cultural complications.

The actual history of the case revolves around not only the decision granted by the Supreme Court, but also what the constitution of United States of America entails. The real history of the case goes back to an era, when the African Americans were sternly subjected to slavery, and the right to freedom was not granted to them (in most if the states). The African Americans lived the lives of slaves and could not avail any facility or opportunity that the society, region or the state provided. They could not dream of attaining a respectable livelihood that may revolve around a respectable occupation.

During that reign, the state of Missouri had not declared abolishment of slavery, or the freedom for African Americans, and an individual named Dred Scott was one of the slaves (African American) who resided in the slave state of Missouri. However, there came an instance in his life, when his master or owner took Dred Scott, along ...
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