Don't Fire Them, Fire Them Up

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Don't Fire them, Fire them Up


It is seen in many cases that the rules applied to make the business world successful translates the other areas, such as operations, military and non-military leadership. One of the most suitable examples of such principles can be found in the Book 'Don't Fire them, Fire them Up' by Frank Pacetta.

This book contains the most effective leadership principles that are applicable on military and non military solutions. It provides the way of motivating yourself (leadership) and your team (Subordinates) with proper application of psychological principles to get significant success at work. Frank describes that instead of applying firing option on employees, one should try to fire-up their motivational level. And, all motivational tools depend upon psychology for efficient results.



The book is about Frank Pacetta's own personal experiences as a sales manager of Xerox Corporation. He found himself in pressure of improving the world's most profitable organization's worst sales department. In the initial stage Pacetta realized that the work was certainly cut out of him. However, he also realized, it was not appropriate to fire the entire sales force, rather the application of motivation theory was the dire need of the situation. This was due to the fact, that the employees were not deliberately underachievers or bad performers. However, the department was falling tremendously due to inappropriate actions and self fulfilling fatalism (Logar, 2012).

He proposed that motivation is the stimulating force that stimulates individual's desires to accomplish its goals. The basic difficulty for managers is to provide a challenging and motivated environment to employees to achieve organization's goal (Pacetta, 1994).

Principles Applied

This book is meant to prove the potential in human if he is highly motivated and is directed well. Majorly, this book focuses on sales and marketing, as ...
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